Saturday, May 24, 2008


Originally Posted May 22, 2008
ISEA Red Oak Office--SWUU--Delivers Again and Provides "I AM THE ISEA" Stickers for LCEA to Show Solidarity

Your UNION needs you as we move towards our arbitration hearing on Wednesday .

Remember, we NEED you on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM in the High School Multi-Purpose Room as a member of the LCEA "moral support" audience.

Minutes after the arbitration vote, Chief Negotiator Beth Frank sent an email asking for the unit office for this tool to demonstrate our solidarity.

Pat Shipley agreed to combine a trip to Des Moines to get these for us. Let's use them to let our board and administration know who we are and where we stand. SWUU Uniserv Director John Phillips, a 30 year Association veteran, will be presenting our case to the arbitrator.

If we have enough of the button-like stickers, we might ask you to wear them on both Tuesday, May 27, 2008 and Wednesday, May 28, 2008. Please read your emails to keep on top of the Negotiation Team's plan.

Keep in mind that we can still settle up to 3:59:59. This deal could involve new language on an important negotiating priority or some other language change. We really want to reach and agreement for our membership. But it's time for the LC Board to come up just a little bit more as the money exists this year to do the right thing for a hard-working staff. $15.oo on the base isn't an outrageous demand considering all that we offered.