Friday, April 17, 2009

Facebook Helps Activate NEA Members

Social media tools like the popular Facebook site help association members advocate for public education. NEA Today writer and social media wrangler Cynthia McCabe explains the basics.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Teacher Quality Committee Minutes--4/01/2009

April meeting TQC – April 01, 2009

The meeting was brought to order at 4:32 by Dave Black and Barb Motes. Present were Chuck Story, Jeanne Barthelow, Pat Thomas, Barb Motes, Al Lorenz, Kim Jones, Tom McLaughlin, Dave Black, Linda Hahn, Laurie Thies, Kent Stopak, Barb Grell and Sean Dunphy.

Approval of minutes. They were emailed previously to committee. Motion by Motes, second by Jones. Unanimous.

Review/Discussion of PD Days funded by the TQC monies. Those were held on October 6th and 7th. At the secondary level, Literacy in content areas was the focus with some time spent on PLC curriculum issues, and at the elementary level the focus was science materials. Feedback was overall positive, with the continued sentiment that back to back days were still difficult to pull off successfully. Barb Motes shared that the literacy work done was inclusive, and helped bring in some curricular areas. Jeanne reported that at the elementary level it would be nice to have more “all day” PD days, as seemingly nothing gets wrapped up. Dave also pointed out that there will be more to do in the future (Iowa Core, for example). General consensus is that if the days are funded, the vehicle for PD delivery should continue to be the current format. Discussion ensued concerning the dates on the 2009-2010 calendar for TQC-funded PD days, and that there are school law reasons for the removal of the 2-hour early out the day preceding Thanksgiving. Barb Motes is going to work on getting some clarifying information disseminated to the instructional staff of the district.

Proposed Changes to the Market Factor Application. Dollars remain that can be allocated according to the Market Factor agreement initiated last year. The endorsements listed as shortage areas reflect changes in state-identified shortage areas and changes in local needs as a result of our fall BEDS submission. In other words, both statewide shortages as well as helping existing staff to meet BEDS requirements for highly qualifies status are impetus for the changes in the list of endorsements for which applications will be entertained. In addition, the leftover money from hiring incentives remained unused from 2008-09, and the intent would be to add it to the endorsement “pot” and use it in that way. Discussion also included moving some of the timelines in the original document.

Changes to the application: April 15th deadline moved to May 1st. Notification on May 8th. Endorsement areas changed as listed. Use of the money from hiring incentives for endorsement work. Motion by Stopak, second by Grell. Unanimous.

Update on Iowa Core Curriculum Planning. Dave presented a copy of his presentation that will be given to the Board of Education later in the month, and a similar presentation was delivered to a community group in March. The purpose of the Iowa Core is outlined, along with its intended outcomes, impact on content, instruction, and assessment. In essence, the ICC reaches further that “What we teach?” and into the “How we teach?” and “How we assess?” Formative assessment will be a focal point, as well as effective instruction. It outlines the 5 content areas touched by the ICC – Math, Science, Literacy, Social Studies, and 21st Century Skills. While other areas do not have directly mandated content, they are integral players in the 21st Century skill category, as well as supporting the other 4 areas. The vision for the Iowa Core was also shared, as published by the state. Timelines include spending 2008-09 in building leadership capacity, with developing implementation plans that allow for full incorporation by 2012 for high schools and 2014 for everyone else. At LC, our plans are more aggressive, and will move the entire system together instead of breaking off the high school as a separate entity. Dave’s presentation also includes resources available for further study. Buildings also shared how they have been disseminating ICC information to staff this spring.

Monitoring Evaluation. Sean shared the plan/implementation of staff evaluation at the Middle School.

Adjournment. Motion by Sean Dunphy, second by Barb Grell. Unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 5:20.