Wednesday, October 12, 2011

LCEA Talking Points on the Governor's Education Reform Plan

Since July 2011, the ISEA has eagerly awaited details of the Governor’s plan for education
reform in Iowa. With Monday’s release of One Unshakable Vision, we still have more questions
than answers.

Throughout the past three months, the ISEA and our members have participated in the
Governor’s roundtable work groups, town hall meetings, and online discussions about his
plan for reform. We have utilized every possible opportunity for input. We strongly believe any
education reform begins by placing students at the center and keeps education professionals
in the discussion.

One Unshakable Vision, while chock full of great thoughts and expectations about how to
help Iowa’s students succeed, is still short on details. Many of the proposals are agreeable,
but parents, students, and educators will find it hard to imagine how the entire plan will be
implemented and funded.

Talking Points 

  • Most good legislation is passed by compromise. However, the Governor has repeatedly stated “this blueprint is not a list of options to be cherry-picked.” While we appreciate the spirit in which this “all or nothing” approach is intended, there may be things the ISEA simply cannot support.