Saturday, May 26, 2007

Member Benefits: California Casualty Auto & Home Insurance

More than 2500 Association members switch to our insurance programs each month and report an average auto savings of $400 per year. How much can we save you?

NEA Members Auto & Home Insurance Program (TM) An auto and home insurance program designed to meet the needs of members of the National Education Association, with exclusive rates and excellent benefits. It's all made possible by NEA MB and a unique collaboration of insurance providers managed by California Casualty.

Some Points for You to Consider

• Low rates with your NEA member discount
• Multi-policy discounts for Auto & Home coverage
• Discounts for family members who are good students or mature drivers
• Theft of personal property from your vehicle covered up to $250 - including school supplies

Benefits You'll Receive:

We offer Auto and Home insurance to members of associations at special rates NOT available to the general public to keep their insurance costs low.

We offer special discounts for educators and public safety professionals unique to their occupations and special needs.

We provide flexible payment plans (like our summer skip plan for teachers) to make it easier for our customers to pay their bills.

Click here to Receive a QUOTE from California Casuality Home and Auto Insurance from NEA Member Benefits.

Monday, May 21, 2007

ISEA Lobby Day


ISEA hosts an annual LOBBY DAY where they bring teachers up to speed on the status of that session's legislation in action. It's a wonderful day for our members to get down to Des Moines and to speak to legislators on behalf of all of us at home.

Our contract does have Association Leave which would allow some of our members to attend. This occurs in February. Take the time to meet our lobbyists, or legislative team, get some quick training and join many of your colleagues to help make sure that our voices are heard.

Kim Muta sits on the ISEA PAC Central Committee and can help you understand the committment and the process. Please contact Kim Muta if you're interested in attending.

Our Capital Wiz program makes it easy for you to identify your legislator and write a quick (there's sample language provided) note sharing how policy is good or not so good for us in the classroom. We need you as THE QUALITY OF OUR WORKING CONDITIONS is the QUALITY OF OUR STUDENT'S LEARNING CONDITIONS.

Click here to see how easy it is to be an NEA Cyber Lobbyist. Your voice matters.

Click here to see how easy it is to help us during the legislative session. You need not write long letters, just short notes that show how policy impacts the learning of students.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Lewis Central Schools Board Policies

Series 100
Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy of the School District
Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program
Educational and Operational Planning and Needs Assessment
Equal Educational Opportunity
Grievance Procedure

Series 200
Board of Education

Statement of Guiding Principles
Name of School District
Legal Status of the Board
General Powers and Duties
Director District Election Schedule
Organization of Board of Directors Organizational Meeting
Board of Directors' Vacancies
President of the Board
Vice President of the Board
Secretary of the Board
Treasurer of the Board
Individual Board Members
Ethical Code for Board Members
Board of Directors and Elected Officials
Board Member Liability
Formulation of Policy
Review and Modification of Policy
Administrative Rules and Regulations
Organization and Dissolution of Ad Hoc Committees
Statutory Committees
Legal Counsel
Board of Directors' Conflict of Interest
Dissemination of Policy
Administration in Absence of Policy
Review and Revision of Policy
Board of Directors' Self Evaluation
Suspension of Policy
Ad Hoc Committees
Handling General Complaints by Citizens
Regular Meetings
Special Meetings
Closed Sessions
Annual Meeting
Notice for Meetings
Quorum for Meetings
Rules of Order
Order of Regular Meetings
Board of Directors' Minutes and Records
Oath of Office
Open Meetings
Work Sessions
Compensation for Expense
Membership in Associations
New Board Member Orientation
Board Member Services
Gifts to Board of Directors
School Visitation by Board of Directors

Series 300

Statement of Guiding Principles
Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent of Schools - Qualifications
Superintendent of Schools - Contract
Superintendent of Schools - Functions
Superintendent of Schools - Evaluation
Superintendent Professional Development
Superintendent Civic Activities
Superintendent Consulting/Outside Employment
Organizational Structure
Administrator Qualifications
Administrative Contracts
Administrator Consulting/Outside Employment
Administrator Performance Evaluation
Administrative Release From Contract
Reduction in Administrative Positions
Administrative Dismissal
Administrative Professional Development
Administrator Civic Activities
Administrator Code of Ethics
Succession of Authority to the Superintendent

Series 400


Statement of Guiding Principals
Equal Employment Opportunity
Recruitment, Qualifications, and Selection of District Personnel
Evaluation of District Personnel
District Personnel Staff Development
District Employment of Family Members
Sick Leave
Long Term Illness or Disabilty
Unpaid Leave Not Covered by FMLA
Termination of Employment of District Personnel
Employee Suspension
Communicable Diseases
Hazardous Chemical Disclosure
General Personnel Physical Examinations
Use of School Facilities Equipment by Employees.
Gifts to Employees
Employee Activity Passes
Reimbursement for Employee Expenses
Public Complaints About Employees
Employee Conflict of Interest
Employee Conflict of Interest
Transporting of Students by Employees
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FLMA)
Employee Records
Definition of Licensed Personnel
Certification Requirements
Tendering of Contracts
Licensed Personnel Assignment
Resignation of Licensed Personnel
Substitute Teachers
Student Teachers
Private Instruction Tutoring Coaching Professional Consulting Services
Licensed Employee Probationary Status
Market Factor Teacher Salaries
Definition of Classified Personnel
Associates and Clerks
Employee Notices for Classified Personnel
Assignment and Transfer of Classified Personnel
Resignation of Classified Personnel
Classified Personnel Reduction in Force
Termination Hearing Rules - Classified
Evaluation of Classified Personnel
Harrassment Prohibited
Civil Rights Complaint Procedure
Substance-Free Workplace
Child Abuse Reporting
Abuse of Students by School District Employees
Licensed Employee Suspension
Classified Employee Suspension

Series 500

Statement of Guiding Principles
Compulsory Attendance
Entrance - Admissions
Student Attendance Records
Residency Defined
Anticipated Residency
Continuing Enrollment
Non-Resident Students Tuition
Foreign Exchange Students
Student Transfers In
Student Transfers In
Student Transfers Out
Student Absences
Open Enrollment Transfers Receiving District.
Open Enrollment Transfers Sending District
Homeless Children and Youth
Prohibition of Serious Student Misconduct.
Development of Student Conduct Policies/Rules
Suspension by Administrator
Suspension and Expulsion by Board
Suspension/Expulsion Procedures
Corporal Punishment
Search and Seizure
Student Appearance
Tobacco, Drugs and Alcohol
Good Conduct Rule
Freedom of Expression
Student Lockers
Student Government
Student Organizations
Student Publications
School Sponsored Student Social Events
Student Activity Program
Interscholastic Competition
Attendance at Events Outside of School
Student Honors and Awards
Student Health and Immunization Certificates
Communicable Diseases - Students
Injury or Illness at School
Use of Motor Vehicles
Work Permits
Student Insurance
Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse
Procedures for Charing and Investigating Allegations of Abuse of Students by School Employees
Student Medication Administration
Student Records Access
Interviews with Students
Leaving School Grounds During School Day
Equal Educational Opportunities
Resolution of Student Concerns
Student Directory Information
Student Progress Reports and Conferences

Series 600
Education Program

Statement of Guiding Principles
Type of School Organization
School Calendar
School Day
Basic Instructional Program
Summer School Instruction
Provision of Special Education
Talented and Gifted
Programs for Students At-Risk
Career Education
Adult Education
Co-Curricular Activities
Curriculum Development, Implementation and Review
Teaching About Religion
Competent Private Instruction
Dual Enrollment
Health Education
Physical Education
Global Education
Multicultural and Non-Sexist Education
Religion and the Public Schools
Student Field Trips and Excursions
Multicultural and Nonsexist Education
Instructional Materials Selection
Instructional Materials Inspection
Media Centers
Religion-based Exclusion from a School Program
Student Guidance and Counseling
Health Services
Special Health Services
Wellness Policy
Testing Program
Graduation Requirements
Instruction At A Post-Secondary Educaitonal Institution
Appropriate Use of Computers, Computer Network Systems, and the Internet

Series 700
Auxillary Services

Statement of Guiding Principles
Food Service Program
Scope of the Food Services Program
Financial Support
Eligibility for Free or Reduceed Cost Meals
Transportation Regulations
Student Eligibility for Bus Service
Extra-Curricular Activities Bus Service
Transportation Insurance Program
Transportation of Non-School Groups
Transportation of NonPublic School Students
School Bus Routes and Stops
Emergency Routes
Student Conduct on School Transportation
Transportation Rules & Policies
Transportation in Inclement Weather
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Safety Policy

Series 800
Business Practices

Statement of Guiding Principles
Planning the Budget
Preparation of the Certified Budget
Requirements of the Budget Document
Publication of the Certified Budget
Public Review of the Budget
Budget As A Spending Plan and Control Document
Local, State, And Federal Income
Gifts - Grants - Bequests
Fixed Assets Management System
Fixed Assests Management System Regulation
Fixed Assests Management System Regulation
Purchasing Policy
Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Building & Sites
Payment for Goods and Services
Unpaid Warrants
Payroll Periods
Payroll Deductions
Purchasing Authority
Credit Cards
Targeted Small Business Procurement Goals
Pay Deductions
Secretary's Monthly Report
Annual Financial Statement Published
Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records
General Fixed Assets Capital Assets
Insurance Program
Annual Review of Insurance Program
Working Capital Reserve Policy

Series 900
Building & Ground

Statement of Guiding Principles
School Facilities Surveys
Site Specifications
Site Acquisition
Educational Specifications For Buildings
Preliminary Building Specifications
Financing Sites and Construction
Preventive Maintenance Schedule
Requests for Improvements
Emergency Repairs
Use of Contract Services
Long-Range Planning
Asbestos Containing Materials
Buildings & Grounds Security
Adaptation For The Handicapped
Means of Escape From Fire

Series 1000
School Community Relations

Statement Of Guiding Principles
Board - Community Relations
Printed Materials
Board Meeting Communications
Public Examination of School District Records
School - Community Associations
Participation In Community Activities
Citizen Volunteers And Resource Persons
Visitors To School District Facilities
Good Sportsmanship
Use Of School Facilities
Regulations Concerning The Use Of School Facilities
Use of School Facilities By Community - Sunday Use
Supervision By School Personnel
Use Of School District Equipment
Application Process
Fees For Use Of School Facilities
Regulations Concerning The Use Of School Facilities
Gratuities To Personnel
Board Waiver Of Fees
Loan Of School Equipment
Public Attendance At School
Public Performances By Students
Contests For Students
Sales Promotions Prohibited
Money Raising Activities In The Schools
Tobacco-Free Environment
Distribution of Materials

LCEA Social Committee


Do you ever get the feeling that we need to take some time for Fellowship??

Let's take the chance to get together in our buildings this year. Maybe it's something that you already do?

Make it an Association event?

A Christmas Party? A trip to go to see a show? A night out at the LC Stadium for track, soccer, football?

Maybe it's a Barbeque? Maybe it's a picnic? The skies are the limit. Maybe you could help plan one event with us and for us this year.

Click here to contact Sharon Crawley to help us celebrate each other and our success together.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Contract Negotiations



Do you want to get involved in the process of shaping our contract, improving it, making sure that we are part of creating a contract that's best for our students, our students and our staff?

Well the LCEA Negotiations Committee could be for you.

Take the opportunity to be part of the solution.

Click here to contact Beth Frank and see how she might be able to use your help.

Thursday, May 17, 2007



Great Teachers Make Great Public Schools

On National Teacher Day, thousands of communities will take time out to honor their local educators and acknowledge the contributions they make to our lives. Our Teacher Day tagline, "Great Teachers Make Great Public Schools," draws attention to the crucial role teachers play in making sure every child receives a quality public education and conveys the hard work they do each day to make public schools great for every child.

Click here to contact Sharon Crawley if you'd like to help make this event in May a success for our LC Team.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007



Maybe you're more interested in helping our very own students in moving forward to give to our future students, to our noble profession or both.

Each year the LCEA Scholarship Committee promotes our scholarship and the profession by seeking applicants for our LCEA Scholarship. Other districts even raise a little money through putting together COOKBOOKS or other fund-raisers to contribute to our scholarship fund. Maybe this is a great fit for you.

We love being able to use some of our local dues dollars to promote this worthy cause.

Please click here to contact Barb Motes if you'd like to help us promote the scholarship, serve on the election committee or help us raise money.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Do You Need Relicensure Hours or Are You Hungry for Meaningful Professional Development


Need an extra hour? ISEA is a leaders in Professional Development. Just get 15 of your colleagues or friends togethers and we can get one of the many valuable classes brought here to LC.

Lots of times teachers from CB or surrounding schools are more than willing to joing in order to help the class "make". See Tom McLaughlin for more information on turning LC into the an ISEA Professional Development Academy.

Please feel free to look at the links below to get an idea of the classes, their content, objectives, credit level. Hopefully, something meets your needs.

Learning Strategies that Address Childhood Obesity through Physical Activity & Nutrition Education Taught Within the Same Curriculum

Using the Iowa Teaching Standards

Improving Teaching Through National Standards

Analyzing Portfolio Entries

Pre-Candidacy: Considering Seeking National Board Certification

Pathwise Introduction to Mentoring, Parts I and II

I CAN DO IT Plus! Classroom Management Techniques

Increasing Student Effort and Responsibility

A Framework for Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria

Real Colors

Advanced Candidate Workshop

Facilitator Network

Sunday, May 13, 2007

LCEA Executive Board Agenda May 13, 2007

LCEA Meeting Minutes
Date: 5/13/2007
Place: High School—Room 403
Time: 4:15

Roll Call: Sharon Crawley, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Maggie Bennett, Dave Bergman (ab)
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin, Allison Towne
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger (ab), Beth Frank, Al Lorenz, Barb Motes
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup (ab), Maggie Miller, Jennifer Hake
Kreft Reps: Kathy Moe, Melinn Ruzicka, Tara York

Approval of Agenda:
Barb Motes moved that the agenda be moved as amended (adding flashdrive and blog to new business), Allison Towne seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Secretary’s Report/ Approval of Minutes: Kim Muta
* First meeting—no approval needed.

Treasurer’s Report: Jen Doorlag/Bill Agan
• Jen Doorlag still needs a signature card. She’s waiting for the bank to send forms. Beth Frank and Bill Agan can sign things. Barb Motes moved that the report be accepted, Allison Towne seconded the motion, and it passed. (See attached report.)
• Receipt from Sharon Crawley for treats. It did not require action.
• Beth Frank said that Sharon Crawley should get an envelope about the treasurer’s report needing to be audited. It usually needs to be done by November.

Negotiations: Beth Frank
* Meeting for training is at the end of this month. After that we’ll send out surveys. November is when things really take off.

TQC: Barb Motes
• Barb Motes shared what happened at the first meeting, which consisted of procedural issues. She explained what the October meetings would focus on.
• Barb Motes explained the compensation of teachers, which requires a memorandum of understanding.
• Al Lorenz mentioned that we (LCEA) might be asked to help cover cost of secretaries to take minutes at meetings.
• Tom McLaughlin thanked Barb Motes for her work on this committee.

President’s Report: Sharon Crawley
• Open houses have been scheduled on top of LCEA meetings—three times this year. She’ll talk about this with Dr. Schweer.
• Everyone should have access to the master contract on the server, but the drive varies from building to building.
• Sharon Crawley asked if there is a policy about making minutes available to membership. Beth Frank noted the relevant info (agenda and minutes) in the LCEA Exec. Board policies. (Kim Muta will attach POST/DO NOT POST on materials sent to the Exec. Board members.)
• Sharon Crawley wants us to brainstorm ways to get non-active members more involved.

Committee Reports:
• High School: We have cameras in the computer labs. We like Mike Hale—our new athletic director. Kim Jones is doing a good job in her new position.
• Kreft: They met with their building administrator and will continue to do so once a month. The first meeting went well. Action was taken very quickly on some of the items.
• Middle School: There is a mold problem in the auditorium. Al Lorenz wants to know if that should be raised with Dr. Schweer. Tom McLaughlin said that conversation has begun because it is such a huge issue for Pam Ryan in particular. Al Lorenz asked Sharon Crawley to address it with Dr. Schweer also.
• Titan Hill: The reps had to leave for their open house.

Old Business:
• Discuss membership—Kim Muta sent out membership lists to each Exec. Board member.
• Committee for negotiation of Teacher Quality Money—Barb Motes and Beth Frank met with Pat Shipley—don’t need to approve new monies if we use the same method of distribution. Then Art Hill sent something about needing to arrange a new agreement. Beth Frank and Barb Motes plugged in the numbers according to past distribution. (See attached blue sheet.) Cells with $0.00 indicate no teacher in that cell.

New Business:
• Reps setting up monthly meetings with individual building principals—This would be a helpful thing to do to keep communication open.
• Ten minute meetings with members—This would be a good way to keep members informed about a variety of things.
• Flash drives and blog—Tom McLaughlin explained the flash drive pilot project. Then he explained the blog—

Beth Frank moved that the meeting be adjourned, Allison Towne seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 5:30.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

SWUU Constitution & Bylaws





April 30, 1974



April 30, 1975
September 20, 1975
April 28, 1976
April 27, 1977
April 19, 1978
April 20, 1979
April 16, 1980
April 22, 1981
April 27, 1983
April 24, 1985
April 24, 1991
April 22, 1992
April 20, 1994
April 23, 1997
April 20, 2005




We, the members of the United Teaching Profession within the Southwest UniServ Unit of the Iowa State Education Association, do hereby adopt this constitution to establish the sovereignty, independence, and governance of the Southwest UniServ Unit.


1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Southwest UniServ Unit.

2. AUTHORITY: This unit is established within the guidelines for UniServ development as set up by the National Education Association and the Iowa State Education Association, with all of the rights and responsibilities provided within those guidelines.

3. GOVERNANCE: The Southwest UniServ shall be governed by its Constitution and Bylaws, and the policies and actions of the unit Representative Assembly and Executive Board where such actions are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the unit.


1. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership in this unit shall be comprised of active members of the United Teaching Profession and such other members as provided in the Bylaws.


A. Membership shall be open to all persons actively engaged in the profession of teaching or other educational work in support of public education within the geographical boundaries of the Southwest UniServ Unit as provided in the Bylaws.

B. Membership shall be open to all members of affiliates of local associations within the unit subject to related provisions in the Bylaws.

C. The unit shall not deny membership to individuals or groups on the basis of race, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or age, nor shall any organization which so denies membership be included in the unit.


1. ACCOUNTABILITY: The Representative Assembly, comprised of members of the unit, derives its power from and is responsible to the unit membership.


A. Each affiliated local association within the unit shall be allocated one voting delegate for each fifty (50), or fraction of fifty (50), of its members.

B. The seven (7) members at large of the Executive Board shall be voting members of the Representative Assembly.

C. The officers of the unit and any elected representative or officers of the National Education Association and/or the Iowa State Education Association from the Southwest UniServ Unit shall be voting members of the Representative Assembly. No unit Executive Board member shall have more then one vote.


A. All delegates to the Representative Assembly shall be members of the United Teaching Profession and/or affiliated groups with the unit.

B. Local Associations shall elect their delegate to the Assembly through a process of open nominations and written secret ballots from the membership.


Any member of the Southwest UniServ Unit, on being recognized by the presiding officer, shall be entitled to debate on measures before the Representative Assembly. Voting shall be restricted to delegates as defined in ARTICLE III: REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY, (2) ALLOCATION OF DELEGATES.


A. The unit Representative Assembly shall hold an annual meeting as provided by the Bylaws.

B. Regular elections of the UniServ Unit, including the SWUU Representative to the ISEA Executive Board, shall be conducted at the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly.

C. The adoption of the unit budget and goals shall be done at the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly.


The Representative Assembly shall have the authority to establish the necessary committees, as provided in the Bylaws, to carry out the goals and objectives of the unit.


The Representative Assembly shall...

A. Establish unit goals, objectives and policies;
B. Elect the officers of the unit;
C. Elect a representative to the Executive Board of the Iowa State Education Association;
D. Adopt an annual, balanced budget;
E. Establish unit dues as provided in the Bylaws;
F. Exercise final authority in all matters of the Southwest UniServ Unit;
G. Amend this Constitution and Bylaws in accordance with ARTICLE VII hereof;
H. Adopt the rules and agenda governing its meetings;
I. Enact such other measures as may be necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the unit, which are not in conflict with this Constitution and Bylaws or the governing documents of the National Education Association and/or the Iowa State Education Association.

8. QUORUM: Those eligible delegates in attendance at a Representative Assembly shall constitute a quorum.


1. ELECTED OFFICERS: The elected officers of the unit shall be the President and the Vice President.

2. APPOINTED OFFICERS: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed by the President with a two thirds (2/3) concurrence of the unit Executive Board. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be a non voting member of the unit Executive Board.


A. Candidates for any elected unit office shall have been a member of the Southwest UniServ Unit for one year or major fraction of a year.

B. No more than one UniServ officer shall be elected from a single local association within the unit each year.

C. The appointee for Secretary/Treasurer shall have been a member of the Southwest UniServ Unit for at least a major portion of one year.


A. Nominations for all officers of the unit shall proceed as provided in the Bylaws.

B. Terms of Office

1. President: The President shall assume office following Representative Assembly at the next regularly scheduled SWUU Executive Board Meeting and shall serve for two years. An Elected President may not serve consecutive terms.

2. Vice President: The Vice President shall assume office following Representative Assembly at the next regularly scheduled SWUU Executive Board Meeting and shall serve for two years.

3. Secretary/Treasurer: The term of Secretary/Treasurer shall be a two year appointment which begins following Representative Assembly at the next regularly scheduled SWUU Executive Board Meeting.

4. Past President: The Past President shall serve for two years following the completion of their term as President.


A. A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President.

B. Vacancies in offices, other than President, shall be filled by Unit Executive Board appointment until the next meeting of the Representative Assembly, at which time the Representative Assembly shall elect a replacement for the unexpired term of the office.

6. DUTIES OF OFFICERS: The duties of all officers shall be as specified in the Bylaws and the unit Executive Board Policies.


1. COMPOSITION: Voting members of the Southwest UniServ Unit Executive Board shall be the President, Vice President, the immediate Past President, the ISEA Executive Board Representative and the seven (7) Board Members At Large. Any person elected to an office in the National Education Association and/or the Iowa State Education Association from the Southwest UniServ Unit shall serve as an ex officio voting member. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as a non voting member.


A. The Executive Board shall, subject only to definite instructions from the Representative Assembly, determine, direct, and control the policies of the Southwest UniServ Unit. It shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by the Unit Constitution and Bylaws or as may be directed by the Representative Assembly.

B. The Executive Board shall approve an annual balanced budget for the ensuing year for consideration and adoption by the annual Representative Assembly.

C. All UniServ Unit business operations and the resultant records and reports shall be administered by the Executive Board. These reports shall include audits of all unit financial operations.

D. The Executive Board shall make full reports to the Representative Assembly on all UniServ Unit activities between Representative Assembly meetings.

3. QUORUM: Six (6) Executive Board voting members, including either the President or Vice President, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special Executive Board meeting.

4. TERMS OF OFFICE FOR BOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE: Board Members-At-Large shall begin their terms of office following Representative Assembly at the next regularly scheduled SWUU Executive Board Meeting and shall serve for two years.


1. ESTABLISHMENT: The unit shall establish standing committees as prescribed in the Bylaws and/or as required by the National Education Association and the Iowa State Education Association.

2. APPOINTMENTS: The unit President shall appoint all standing committee members subject to the approval of the Executive Board for terms of two (2) years.


1. AMENDMENT PROPOSALS: Amendments to the unit Constitution and Bylaws may be proposed by one or more of the following methods.

A. A petition signed by at least fifty (50) members of the Southwest UniServ Unit.

B. A petition presented in writing by any local association within the Southwest UniServ Unit.

C. By action of the Representative Assembly.

D. By action of the Unit Executive Board.


A. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be published and circulated to all local associations within the unit at least seven (7) days prior to any meeting of the Representative Assembly.

B. The Constitution may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Representative Assembly delegates present and voting at any meeting of the Representative Assembly.


A. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be published and circulated to all local associations with the unit at least seven (7) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Representative Assembly.


A. Voting on proposed amendments to the Constitution and/or Bylaws shall be by secret ballot, unless otherwise provided by the Representative Assembly.

B. Unless otherwise specified, amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall take effect at the conclusion of that Representative Assembly meeting.


1. INITIATION: The Southwest UniServ Unit may be dissolved by a two thirds (2/3) vote of those present at a special meeting of the Representative Assembly called for the purpose of considering dissolution.

2. MEETING PROVISIONS: Notice of a special meeting of the Representative Assembly to consider dissolution shall be published and circulated to all local associations within the unit at least 20 days prior to the meeting.

3. RESTRICTIONS: All dissolution actions must be in compliance with the governing provisions of the Southwest UniServ Unit, the Iowa State Education Association, and the National Education Association.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS: Following Representative Assembly action to dissolve the unit, the Executive Board shall:

A. Make provisions for payment of all unit liabilities.

B. Dispose of all remaining unit assets in order of priority to:

1. Any new organization replacing the unit under the authority of the Iowa State Education Association.

2. Local associations within the unit.

3. Members of the unit.

4. Any other organizations or groups in need of such assets.

C. Make all necessary reports and file all necessary records with the Iowa State Education Association and the National Education Association.




1. GOALS: The Representative Assembly shall adopt a schedule of specific goals for the UniServ Unit at its annual Representative Assembly meeting.


1. ELIGIBILITY: All unified members as defined by the ISEA Bylaws who are members of local associations and their affiliates within the boundaries of the Southwest UniServ Unit shall be members of the unit.

2. CATEGORIES: Categories and qualifications of the UniServ Unit shall be in accordance with those of the ISEA and NEA.

3. UNISERV UNIT DUES: UniServ Unit dues shall be established by the Representative Assembly and shall be a part of the unified dues structure.

4. MEMBERSHIP YEAR: The membership year shall be from September 1 to August 31.


1. MEETING PLACE: The meetings of the Representative Assembly shall be held at a location designated by the Executive Board.

2. MEETING DATES: The Representative Assembly shall hold an annual meeting. The meeting shall be held in the spring following ISEA Delegate Assembly, and prior to the end of the school year, with the exact date to be set by the Executive Board.

3. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings of the Representative Assembly may be called by the Executive Board or by a petition of 10% of the delegates to the Representative Assembly.

4. MEETING NOTICE: The Executive Board shall send printed notice to all local associations within the Southwest UniServ Unit, specifying the location, date and time of each Representative Assembly meeting, at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. The notice shall also include a tentative agenda for the meeting.


1. NOMINATIONS: A slate of candidates for the elected UniServ Unit officers and members at large shall be presented at the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly. The nominations of the Southwest UniServ Unit officers and members at large may be a self nominating procedure.

2. ELECTION PROCEDURES: All elected Southwest UniServ Unit Executive Board members shall be elected by a plurality vote of the Representative Assembly. A written secret ballot shall be required.


A. Preside over meetings of the Representative Assembly and the Executive Board.

B. Call special meetings of the Executive Board or of any unit committees.

C. Appoint unit committee chairpersons, with the assistance of the Vice President, subject to approval of the Executive Board.

D. Serve as an ex officio non voting member of all committees.

E. Assume responsibilities as the Executive Officer of the Southwest UniServ Unit.

F. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit in all public relations activities of the unit.

G. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit at all statewide ISEA President's Meetings.

H. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to this office.


A. Attend meetings outside the Southwest UniServ Unit as directed by the Executive Board. This includes attending statewide ISEA President's Meetings when the President is unable to attend.

B. Preside at meetings of the Representative Assembly and the Executive Board in the absence of the President.

C. Help the President select committee members and/or chairpersons for appointment.

D. With the assistance of the unit committee chairpersons, the Secretary/Treasurer, and the Executive Board develop a budget, and program goals for adoption at the annual Representative Assembly.

E. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to this office or assigned by the President, Executive Board, or Representative Assembly.


A. The Southwest UniServ Unit will conduct all bookkeeping through the Iowa State Education Association Accounting Department.

B. Assist the Vice President and the Executive Board in the preparation of a unit budget and present the budget for adoption at the annual Representative Assembly.

C. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to this office.


A. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit at all ISEA Executive Board meetings, Committee meetings, Conventions, Assemblies, and Workshops of the Iowa State Education Association.

B. Support or oppose association actions at the State level as directed by the Representative Assembly, the unit Executive Board or in the best interest of all members of the Southwest UniServ Unit in the absence of specific directives.

C. Report events and actions at the State level to meetings of the Representative Assembly and the Executive Board of the unit.

D. Submit a written report to the SWUU Executive Board at the meeting following each ISEA Board meeting.

E. Perform other duties and functions as requested by the President of the unit or those usually attributed to this elected position.


A. Attend Executive Board meetings and serve as an active voting member.

B. Act as an advisor to the President.

C. Act as an alternate to the ISEA Executive Board.

D. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to this office.


1. MEETING PLACE: The meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at locations designated by the President of the unit.

2. MEETING DATES: The Executive Board shall establish a yearly schedule of meeting dates. Special meetings may be called by the President after notification to all Executive Board members.

3. EXECUTIVE BOARD POLICIES: The Executive Board of the Southwest UniServ Unit shall establish and maintain written Executive Board Policies to govern the day to day activities of the Executive Board and the UniServ Unit which are not necessarily provided in this Constitution and Bylaws.

4. EXECUTIVE BOARD FUNDING: All Executive Board member expenses, as designated by the President or the Executive Board, incurred while conducting the official business of the Southwest UniServ Unit, shall be paid by the UniServ Unit.


A. Attend all meetings of the SWUU Executive Board and Representative Assembly. Executive Board members unable to attend a Board meeting should call the UniServ office one day prior to the meeting, or as soon as they know they will not be able to attend the meeting. If a quorum of voting members will not be in attendance at a meeting, the office will call the Board President to determine whether the meeting should be held.

B. Serve on committees, as appointed by the President.

C. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit at all UniServ and/or ISEA/NEA sponsored meetings in the Southwest UniServ Unit. These meetings should include, but not be limited to, Local Leader meetings, workshops, and training sessions. When the same meeting is conducted on more than one night, the board members should attend at least one of the meetings.

D. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to the Board or assigned by the President, Executive Board or Representative Assembly.


1. STANDING COMMITTEES: The Standing Committees of the unit shall coincide with the Standing Committees established by the Bylaws of the Iowa State Education Association.

2. ADHOC COMMITTEES: The President, the Executive Board, or the Representative Assembly shall have the authority to establish AdHoc Committees and to define their specific responsibilities and length of service.

3. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS FUNCTIONS: The appointed members of the UniServ Unit committees shall meet and elect their own chairpersons unless a chairperson has been previously designated

A. Represent the unit at all Iowa State Education Association committee meetings.

B. Work towards the achievement of the UniServ Unit Goals.

C. Coordinate and assist local association committees within the unit.

D. Make written reports to the Executive Board and at the request of the Executive Board, each SWUU committee chairperson shall submit a written report and give a short oral report at the Representative Assembly meeting.


1. AUTHORITY: The most recent edition of Roberts' Rules of Order, newly revised, shall be the authority governing all matters of procedure not otherwise provided in the Constitution and Bylaws.

2. PARLIAMENTARIAN: The President may appoint a parliamentarian for each meeting of the Representative Assembly.


1. FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year of this organization shall be from September 1 to August 31. The implementation of this provision shall be concurrent with the implementation of a change in the ISEA fiscal year.


A. No member or representative of the Southwest UniServ Unit shall incur financial obligations to the Unit without prior approval of the Executive Board.

B. Standard budget operating expenses may be given blanket approval by the Executive Board prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.

3. UNIT COMMITTEE EXPENSES: Expenses to be paid from unit funds for any standing committees or any AdHoc committees shall be determined in the approval of the budget, goals, and activities of the committees.

4. BUDGET REVISION: The Executive Board may revise the unit budget as needed. Revisions involving the dues structure must be approved by the Representative Assembly at a regular or special meeting.


Adopted August 7, 1978
Amended September 10, 1979
Amended April 27, 1983
Amended May 20, 1992
Amended - May 20, 1994
Amended - May 23, 1997
Amended – April 20, 2005


A. Executive Board Meetings

1. Unit Executive Board meetings shall be held following the ISEA Executive Board meetings as determined by the unit President and Executive Board.

2. An agenda is to be mailed to Executive Board members five (5) days in advance of the scheduled meetings, except in the case of special meetings. Setting the agenda is to be the responsibility of the unit President. The President will consult with the UniServ Directors' prior to finalization of the agenda.

3. Executive Board meetings are to be held in a location suitable to the majority of the Board's membership.

4. Unit Standing and AdHoc Committee Chairpersons will be invited to attend Executive Board meetings as required.

B. Political Endorsement

1. No elected member of the SWUU Executive Board may publicly endorse on behalf of the SWUU any candidate running for a public office if that office has an official role in either the funding of education or in the making of educational policy until after the member has received permission of the SWUU Executive Board to do so.

2. No member of the SWUU Executive Board may give a public endorsement on behalf of the SWUU to any candidate running for an office in the United Teaching Profession without first receiving the approval of the Executive Board.

C. Committee Operation

1. Committee Chairpersons and members are to be appointed by the unit President, with the assistance of the Vice President, unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. Such appointments are to be subject to the approval of the unit Executive Board.

2. Committee Chairpersons shall report to the Executive Board whenever directed to do so by the unit President.

3. Each committee chairperson shall present to the unit Executive Board a written report following statewide committee meetings. Yearly summary reports will be submitted for publication with the packets for SWUU Representative Assembly.

D. Affirmative Action

The SWUU Executive Board shall, where applicable, model their affirmative action plan after the ISEA Executive Board Affirmative Action Plan.

E. Additions to Policies

The unit Executive Board Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain an up to date record of all policy changes.


A. Budget Finance

1. The budget of the SWUU shall be drawn up by a committee of at least five (5) persons. The five persons shall be the unit Treasurer, the UniServ Directors, the President and the Vice President.

2. The proposed budget shall be presented to the SWUU Executive Board at its regular meeting prior to the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly.

3. The Executive Board shall present the Representative Assembly with a proposed budget which is balanced.

4. The monthly Treasurer's report shall include the following items:

a. Line item expenditures and balances within the program budget.
b. Total expenditures to that point.
c. The budget position of the unit treasury.
d. Any problems in the collection of unit dues.

B. Collection of Unit Dues

1. The Iowa State Education Association shall collect all dues for local associations in the Southwest UniServ Unit.

C. Executive Board Expenses

1. Mileage to unit board meetings shall be paid at the rate of $0.35 per mile, round trip.

2. Executive Board members telephone expenses will be reimbursed upon their giving the unit Secretary/Treasurer a list of telephone calls made.

3. Expenses for Executive Board members are to be reimbursed when such expenses are incurred in carrying out the duties that are prescribed in the Bylaws or when such duties are directed by the Executive Board.

D. Unit Member Expenses

Mileage expenses incurred by unit members participating in United Teaching Profession activities at the request of the unit President or Executive Board shall be paid at the rate of $0.31 per mile, round trip.

E. Voucher Signing

All vouchers will be signed by the UniServ Directors or Unit Secretary.


A. Management of the Unit Office

1. The implementation of office policies is to be the responsibility of the Director's.

2. The SWUU Executive Board shall provide insurance coverage and pay the premium for insurance on its property equal to the replacement value of the property.

3. The SWUU Executive Board shall carry necessary liability insurance.

4. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for seeing that all obligations incurred in the operation of the unit are paid.

5. The UniServ Directors shall be responsible for the supervision of the unit secretarial employee.

B. Use of Printing Equipment for Member Locals

1. The unit office shall print the master contract proposals for all locals that request it.

2. The unit office shall print a newsletter for locals if it is first written and typed by the local.

3. Other items for association use may be printed by the unit office if such items are approved by the UniServ Directors.

4. Priority use of the equipment and the secretary's time shall be established by the UniServ Directors.

5. Printing material used in the printing of materials for local associations shall be furnished by the unit.

6. No printing shall be done for locals who have not made arrangements to pay their unit dues.

C. Use of Unit Equipment and Personnel Services

Use of office equipment and personnel for doing work other than official unit business shall be at the discretion of the UniServ Directors and the unit President.


A. Secretarial

1. The secretarial staff shall follow the rules and policies established in the ISEA SSA contract.

2. The SWUU Executive Board shall be an equal opportunity employer.

3. Evaluation of unit employees below the rank of Director shall be the responsibility of the UniServ Directors.

B. President's Duties

The President's duties shall consist of those stated in the Bylaws and such other duties as directed by the Executive Board.

C. UniServ Directors

The UniServ Directors job description shall be the same as is determined by the ISEA Executive Board.


A. Training programs for local leaders and unit leaders are to be established by the Executive Board and the UniServ Directors.

B. The unit Executive Board shall obtain ISEA and NEA funds whenever they are available.

C. The training material, site and personnel expenses shall be paid by the SWUU, unless other arrangements are designated by the ISEA, NEA or the SWUU Executive Board.

D. The responsibility for lodging and meal expense for leadership training shall be decided on a per program basis by the unit Executive Board.

E. The SWUU shall pay all expenses incurred in the training of unit officers, committee chairpersons, and committee members when such training is assigned by the unit Executive Board.


A. Each local association in the unit shall be assigned to a specific UniServ Director.

B. The division of local's shall be done based upon the previous year's membership in assigned locals.

C. Such division shall be accomplished so that each UniServ Director will have as equal a job load, in terms of assigned locals and assigned total members, as is possible while maintaining contiguity of locals.

D. Such division shall not prevent the UniServ Directors from exchanging locals, depending upon individual work loads.

E. All unit training programs shall be coordinated by the UniServ Directors so that those programs are available to all local associations assigned to this unit.


A. Attend meetings outside the Southwest UniServ Unit as directed by the Executive Board. This includes attending statewide ISEA resident's Meetings when the President is unable to attend.

B. Preside at meetings of the Legislative Council and the Executive Board in the absence of the President.

C. Help the President select committee/cadre members and/or chairpersons for appointment.

D. With the assistance of the unit committees/cadres, the Secretary/Treasurer, and the Executive Board, develop a budget, and program goals for adoption at the annual Legislative Council.

E. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to this office or assigned by the President, Executive Board, or Legislative Council.


A. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit at all ISEA Executive Board meetings, Committee meetings, Conventions, Assemblies, and Workshops of the Iowa State Education Association.

B. Support or oppose association actions at the State level as directed by the Legislative Council or the unit Executive Board or in the best interest of all members of the Southwest UniServ Unit in the absence of specific directives.

C. Report events and actions at the State level to meetings of the Legislative Council and the Executive Board of the unit.

D. Submit a written report to the SWUU Executive Board at the meeting following each ISEA Board meeting.

E. Perform other duties and functions as requested by the President of the unit or those usually attributed to this elected position.


A. Attend all meetings of the SWUU Executive Board and Legislative Council. Executive Board members unable to attend a Board meeting should call the UniServ office one day prior to the meeting, or as soon as they know they will not be able to attend the meeting. If a quorum of voting members will not be in attendance at a meeting, the office will call the Board President to determine whether the meeting should be held.

B. Serve on committees/cadres, as appointed by the President.

C. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit at all UniServ and/or ISEA/NEA sponsored meetings in the Southwest UniServ Unit. These meetings should include, but not be limited to, President's meetings, workshops, and training sessions. When the same meeting is conducted on more than one night, the board members should attend at least one of the meetings.

D. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to the Board or assigned by the President, Executive Board or Legislative Council.


A. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit at all ISEA Executive Board meetings, Committee meetings, Conventions, Assemblies, and Workshops of the Iowa State Education Association.

B. Support or oppose association actions at the State level as directed by the SWUU Representative Assembly, the SWUU Executive Board or in the best interest of all members of the Southwest UniServ Unit in the absence of specific directives.

C. Report events and actions at the State level to meetings of the SWUU Representative Assembly and the SWUU Executive Board.

D. Submit a written report to the SWUU Executive Board at the meeting following each ISEA Board meeting.

E. Perform other duties and functions as requested by the President of the unit or those usually attributed to this elected position.


A. Attend all meetings of the SWUU Executive Board and SWUU Representative Assembly. Executive Board members unable to attend a Board meeting should call the UniServ office one day prior to the meeting, or as soon as they know they will not be able to attend the meeting. If a quorum of voting members will not be in attendance at a meeting, the office will call the Board President to determine whether the meeting should be held.

B. Represent the Southwest UniServ Unit at all UniServ and/or ISEA/NEA sponsored meetings in the Southwest UniServ Unit. These meetings should include, but not be limited to, President's meetings, workshops, and training sessions. When the same meeting is conducted on more than one night, the board members should attend at least one of the meetings.

C. Perform other duties and functions usually attributed to the Board or assigned by the President, Executive Board or Representative Assembly.