LC Total Quality Committee
Meets to Plan Work for 2006-2007
The 16 Members of of the LC Total Quality Committee:
Dave Black (LCCS Co-Chair) & Barb Motes, (LCEA, Co-Chair)
Jeanne Bartholow (LCEA, TH); Sean Dunphy, (LCCS, MS); Barb Grell (LCCS, KE); Linda Hahn (LCEA, KE); Kim Jones (LCCS, HS); Al Lorenz (LCEA, MS); Tom McLaughlin, (LCEA HS); Kim Muta (LCEA, HS); Mark Schweer (LCCS, ERC); Kent Stopak (LCCS, TH); Chuck Story (LCCS, HS); Laurie Thies (LCCS, SPED); Pat Thomas (LCEA, MA), Marilyn Wandersee (LCEA,HS)
SWUU Uniserv Director Pat Shipley and ISEA Professional Development Academy Specialist Dave Wilkinson represented ISEA on the training panel. During the course of the training, members of our committee were taken through the very lengthy piece of law and interpretation of the aspects of the law were discussed. This was further clarified by the interpretation of the law by the ISDOE's legal counsel.
You can find electronic copies of the documents here. Please notice the format. Each section of the law is split into a chart that outlines (1) Senate File 277 language; (2) Hopes of the Agencies Represented; (3) Suggested Initial Actions; and (4) Resources. This is accompanied by a FAQ section that clarifies more ambiguous pieces of the law and the language.
Please feel free to take a look at the documents below. Simply click on the link and a Word Document should appear. If you have any questions, please ask any of your LCEA Total Quality Committee members for assistance in interpreting or understanding how this law will work to improve our work with students and learning
TQC Complete Planning Document.doc (All of the documents in one piece)
Committee Functions.doc
Compensation for the Teachers on the Committee.doc
Create a Teacher Quality Committee.doc
Determining the Use of Professional Development Funds.doc
Market Factor Recommendations.doc
Monitoring Professional Development Plans.doc
Monitoring the Evaluation Requirements.doc
Monitoring the Implementation of Requirements Relating to the Teacher Quality Act.doc
Dave Black (LCCS Co-Chair) & Barb Motes, (LCEA, Co-Chair)
Jeanne Bartholow (LCEA, TH); Sean Dunphy, (LCCS, MS); Barb Grell (LCCS, KE); Linda Hahn (LCEA, KE); Kim Jones (LCCS, HS); Al Lorenz (LCEA, MS); Tom McLaughlin, (LCEA HS); Kim Muta (LCEA, HS); Mark Schweer (LCCS, ERC); Kent Stopak (LCCS, TH); Chuck Story (LCCS, HS); Laurie Thies (LCCS, SPED); Pat Thomas (LCEA, MA), Marilyn Wandersee (LCEA,HS)
attended the ISEA, SAI and ISDOE's joint training on implementation of the Teacher Quality Act of 2007 (formerly known as SF277). The day long training at the Mid-America Center was one of five trainings given throughout the state.
SWUU Uniserv Director Pat Shipley and ISEA Professional Development Academy Specialist Dave Wilkinson represented ISEA on the training panel. During the course of the training, members of our committee were taken through the very lengthy piece of law and interpretation of the aspects of the law were discussed. This was further clarified by the interpretation of the law by the ISDOE's legal counsel.
You can find electronic copies of the documents here. Please notice the format. Each section of the law is split into a chart that outlines (1) Senate File 277 language; (2) Hopes of the Agencies Represented; (3) Suggested Initial Actions; and (4) Resources. This is accompanied by a FAQ section that clarifies more ambiguous pieces of the law and the language.
Please feel free to take a look at the documents below. Simply click on the link and a Word Document should appear. If you have any questions, please ask any of your LCEA Total Quality Committee members for assistance in interpreting or understanding how this law will work to improve our work with students and learning
Total Quality Documents
TQC Complete Planning Document.doc (All of the documents in one piece)
Committee Functions.doc
Compensation for the Teachers on the Committee.doc
Create a Teacher Quality Committee.doc
Determining the Use of Professional Development Funds.doc
Market Factor Recommendations.doc
Monitoring Professional Development Plans.doc
Monitoring the Evaluation Requirements.doc
Monitoring the Implementation of Requirements Relating to the Teacher Quality Act.doc