Thursday, December 6, 2007

Teacher Quality Committee Minutes December 6, 2007

Teacher Quality Committee – Unofficial Meeting Minutes Educational Resource Center Thursday, December 6, 2007

Meeting called to order by Dave Black at 4:35 pm

Present: Barb Motes, Dave Black, Jeanne Bartholow, Chuck Story, Laurie Thies, Kim Jones, Kim Muta, Pat Thomas, Al Lorenz, Sean Dunphy, Marilyn Wandersee, Kent Stopak, Mark Schweer, Barb Grell

Absent: Linda Hahn, Tom McLaughlin (hospitalized)

Motion made to approve November 7, 2007 minutes (moved: Motes, second: Schweer)
Voice vote was taken and minutes approved.

Market Factor Pay (MFP) – subcommittee reported out on an Application and Endorsement Course of Study created for the 80% of MFP used as incentives for teachers seeking endorsements in areas of need determined by the administration. Much discussion centered around the following topics: final approval of application, ability to use this with new hires if deadline for consideration is in April, the possibility of two deadlines, the communication with the teacher coming from the building administrator as to whether or not approval was given, adding a step in the process outlined on the application between step 6 and 7 about district prioritizing and approval opposed to this happening at the building level, including a signature line for ERC on the application, and bolding/highlighting the 3-year obligation upon completion of endorsement and receiving reimbursement on the Course of Study sheet.

Dave Black initiated a motion to recommend to the school board the procedure and instruments developed by the subcommittee for teacher reimbursement upon completion of an endorsement in an area of need, pending legal counsel and the two additions mentioned above to the application and course of study sheets. (moved: Muta, second: Dunphy) Voice vote was taken with Jones and Black opting out based on equal votes of teachers and administrators. All votes were affirmative to proceed with recommendation.

Based on weather conditions, Dave Black suggested adjourning early after setting the next meeting date. Date was set for Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at ERC, with a 4:30 PM start time. Before motion was made to adjourn Barb Motes thanked all the committee members for the work the committee has done and the manner in which it is operating. She, along with the other teachers, gave the administrators a token of their appreciation.

Primary plan for next agenda: Monitoring Teacher Performance Evaluation Requirements and Model Evidence. It was requested that everyone bring any information they have to share with the group.

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM (moved: Dunphy, second: Grell)