Saturday, June 9, 2007

Who Needs Association Representatives, Anyway?

The Vital Role of Association Representatives at LC

Simple answer: we all do, at every level of the organization!
Effective association representation at each work site is crucial to both the survival and growth of the organization. They are the heart and backbone of our association. Association Representatives (AR's), Building Representatives (BR's), or Shop Stewards, roses by any name, must be committed to work strategically in each site to benefit members and the organization.

It is imperative that all three organizational levels (local, state, national) appreciate the significance of the AR role. To be successful, we must be deliberate in supporting and developing AR Systems. We need to equip ARs with the skills and tools they need to connect members with association services and programs, recruit and nurture new members and leaders, and advocate member issues and concerns.

This area of the NEA website is dedicated to recognizing and developing effective site leaders, by any name. This site will routinely do the following:

Highlight effective AR's and their tips for success:

Share successful campaign stories (log-in required, NEA members only);

Review and recommend readings that may be helpful in your work;

Offer best practices for ARs and local leaders as we find them across the country (log-in required, NEA members only); and,

Provide a space for you to dialogue and interact with your colleagues across the association through our collaborative workspace (log-in required, NEA members only).

Click here to send LCEA Membership Chair, Kim Muta, an email for your membership number. Please write this number down once you receive it. Your membership number for login purposes is on your ISEA Access Card and also on your NEA TODAY.

Not only do we hope you enjoy it and find it useful, but that you will contribute and share your success, tips and learnings.