Proven Strategies for the Successful Association Representative
NEA Launches the Framework for an Effective Association Representative System
Recognizing the need for effective Association Representatives (AR's), the NEA has created the Framework for an Effective Association Representative System to assist state and local affiliates with this critical endeavor.
Organizing Is...
In three words: You, Plus, Action.
How People Decide To Act: The Change Continuum
An explanation of the steps people must take before they decide to do something about their bad situations.
Conducting Successful Building Visits, Part 1
Advice for those who have never conducted a building visit or need a little help.
Conducting Successful Building Visits, Part 2
Advice for those who have been out of the classroom for some time and may not understand all the issues presented by members.
Home Visits are a Great Way to Connect with Members
How quality, face-to-face contacts can boost membership, serve current members, and improve the public image of your local association.