Thursday, August 21, 2008

NEA FOCUS: NEA Offers "Support Chain" for New Educators


NEA Offers 'Support Chain' for New Educators
Find out why having a basic understanding of your union, then building on it with personal involvement, are the first steps toward better working conditions, pay, and benefits. More

NEA Shares Principles to Improve NCLB
The No Child Left Behind Act established goals everyone supports: high standards and accountability for the learning of all children. But NCLB is falling short of its goals for many reasons. NEA offers principles for ESEA reauthorization, and we encourage Congress to listen to the voices of educators in developing legislative proposals. More

Teachers' Attire Should Impress Students, Supervisors
For an aspiring educator, knowing curriculum and classroom management aren't the only things that make you a teacher. You also need to dress the part. In many schools, dressing professionally isn't just a smart choice, it's a requirement. More

Hispanic Voters Rank Education as Top Issue in Fall Election
Find out why candidates’ ethnic backgrounds are less a factor than where they stand on the issues and how they choose to reach out to Latino communities. More

Maryland Affiliate Secures $40K Starting Salary for Certified Teachers
The Maryland State Teachers Association is a union driven by strong local affiliates. They attribute much of their local salary success to member organization, statewide and regional bargaining coordination, advance preparation for negotiations, and intensive training of bargaining teams on everything from the "nuts and bolts" to advanced topics. More

Here’s Help for Managing Student Work
Kathleen Marshall, a second grade teacher from Washington state, has a great idea for using multiple pocket folders to manage homework and notes to or from parents. More