Thank you for your LCEA membership and involvement in our Association. With your help we've had a banner year for our Association. Now that we've established this tool to share contract information, NEA Member Benefits information, meeting agendas and minutes, days of celebration for our profession and some wonderful events in our local, it's time to take our site to the next level
Building Bloggers Needed
Help us highlight some of the wonderful events happening in the lives of our members and some of the great things that are happening in our building by being a blogger. We hope to feature more photos of events from your buildings for next year. It doesn't take tons of time. If you could commit to one post a month for next year, we could certainly improve our coverage of all the great things that our members are doing in and out of the classroom.
We will provide you the opportunity to learn how to be a blogger. It's easy and rewarding to help your Association. If you're interested in helping out your LCEA teammates, please click here.
Blog Statistics by Quarter