Lewis Central
Teacher Quality Committee
ERC--4:30 PM
Unofficial Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2008
Teacher Quality Committee
ERC--4:30 PM
Unofficial Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2008
LC TQC meeting was called to order at 4:35 by Dave Black. Members present included: Al Lorenz, Kim Muta, Tom McLaughlin, Pat Thomas, Marilyn Wandersee, Jeanne Barthalow, Barb Grell, Chuck Story, Kim Jones, Mark Schweer, Dave Black, Kent Stopak and Sean Dunphy.
Motion by Barthalow, second by Jones to approve minutes of the April meeting. Motion carried.
Non-Core area model evidence discussion:
Jeanne reported on accessing nurse evidence and providing it to Mark. Amy Cook has electronic version. Dave reported that Cedar Rapids is a possible resource to tap for more standards-oriented look at it.
Jeanne reported on the developed Special Education model evidence. "Very similar but reflective of certain Special education practice (i.e data collection for IEP's, etc.)".
Dave provided copies of subgroup work that has been formatted for user-friendliness. He will format the counselors, nurses and special education evidence the same way, then post all of them on the website for easy access. Approved by general consent.
February Professional Development Days reports:
Dave provided copies of building principal summaries concerning the two days of extended professional development in February. Principals reported verbally to the group. Consensus was that the two days were used well, both from the perspective of follow-up/continuation of individual building action plans and of looking/moving forward with new material or direction. High degree of engagement and attendance was also reported by the principals. Principals articulated the effects of the professional development efforts on teacher practice and thinking. Two days in a row may be challenging for people to maintain energy...
Review of Principal Artifacts and Evaluation Documentation:
The committee review artifacts provided by each building principal documenting the communication and engagement of all teachers in the district in the evaluation process and the three-year rotation. Mark reiterated the importance of consistently providing copies of the summative evals to the central office for placement in permanent employee records.
Dave reported that the tasks of the LC TQC committee have been accomplished for the 2008-09 school year. He thanked the group for their time and efforts on the hard work in this important endeavor.
Jones moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Lorenz. Motion carried, meeting was adjourned at 5:25.
Minutes submitted by Sean Dunphy.