Monday, May 19, 2008
LCEA Emergency Executive Board Meeting Minutes May 19, 2008
LCEA Emergency Meeting Minutes—New Executive Board Date: 5/19/2008 Place: Middle School—Beth Frank’s classroom Time: 4:15 * Unofficial Minutes * Not to be Posted
Roll Call: Dave Bergman*, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Sharon Crawley (absent), Barb Motes (absent)
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin, Allison Towne (absent), Brian Johnson (absent), Ruth Kreger (absent)
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank*, Al Lorenz
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup*, Lisa Gundlach (absent), Jennifer Hake (absent), Joanna Stenlund
Kreft Reps: LoriAnn Brougham*, Mary Broughton (absent), Lee Parkison (absent)
Guests: Ashley Shipp*, John Phillips (SWUU Uniserv Director), Pat Shipley (SWUU Uniserv Director)
The only agenda item was to decide whether LCEA should accept the District’s Board of Directors offer of $900 added to the base or go to arbitration.
The members of the negotiations team who were present at the meeting are identified with an asterisk above.
John Phillips explained the procedures involved in arbitration, and he shared an overview of the presentation he would make to the arbitrator should we indeed go to arbitration.
Tom McLaughlin moved that the decision be tabled until building representatives could gather feedback from the membership. Tara York seconded the motion, and it passed. There was one “nay” vote.
Beth Frank created a document to be shared with the membership to explain the situation and the options. See below:
Attention LCEA Members
After an emergency meeting to discuss the pros and cons of arbitration, the LCEA executive board has decided to gather more information from the members.
The choices we have are the following:
A) Accept $900 on the base increase.
a. proposed by the district at mediation (our offer was $1000 at the start of mediation, $950 at the end of mediation, $925 as a post mediation offer on May 5th, $915 compromise proposal made by PERB(Public Employee Relations Board) in an attempt to settle the contract - rejected by the board)
B) Proceed to arbitration at $950 base increase - LCEA proposal
a. At arbitration the arbitrator has 2 choices - Be aware that the arbitrator can only choose one of these two choices - not in between.
i. $950 LCEA
ii. $850 Board proposal.
If arbitration is picked it is imperative that all members be in attendance. Hearing is set for 4:00 pm at the Middle School Library.
Feedback is necessary by Wednesday, as we will be meeting after school to make a final decision. Any confusion or questions please contact your representative.
Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:20 PM.
LCEA Minutes