Saturday, May 31, 2008

Parkersburg & Other ISEA Members & Iowa Schools in Need of Colleague Assistance

Team ISEA,

ISEA has had requests for how best to help our members in local associations suffering damage from the devastating tornado hitting Parkersburg and other areas in Northeast Iowa.

Since it is difficult for ISEA to assess the needs of individual members and allocate any contributions in an equitable manner, I believe we can do the following: We can start a fund at ISEA, with ISEA making a contribution of $1000, and provide funds to the local associations impacted in July or August to make a distribution to members losing personal school items in either their homes or schools. Any individual members, local associations or staff may contribute to the fund. Lana is working on something in our electronic and print communications letting members know they may help this way.

related stories

In the meantime, if you are inclined to begin a fundraising effort, monetary (only) contributions should be directed to:

Checks payable to: ISEA
(Memo line/on the check) Disaster Relief Effort


c/o Disaster Relief Effort
777 Third Street
Des Moines, IA 50309

Thanks for all you continue to do for Iowa’s students!

School Leader Update June, 2008

Dear School Leaders:

Attached CLICK HERE is the June issue of the School Leader Update.

Here are some highlights:

From the Director
Iowa Core Curriculum Frequently Asked Questions
Taiwanese Teachers Examine Iowa’s Education System
Legislative Update
Legislative Session Follow Up
School Improvement
Professional Development for Iowa School Leaders Website Project
Students will Build Career and Education Plans through Iowa Choices
Special Education Law Conferences
Legal Lessons
No Changes to Transfer Student Ineligibility for Sports
Early Childhood Preschool Programs
Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program for Four-Year-Olds Grant Applications
Funding and Grants
Data and Reporting
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2009 Update

Iowa Department of Education
QUICK LINKS for Your Convenience

The School Leader Update is a monthly newsletter distributed via email to school leaders. For more information, contact the Iowa Department of Education Communications Department at 515-281-5295.

Share Stories about the Impact of Rising College Costs

As college costs continue to rise, many families are finding it difficult, if not impossible, to pay for postsecondary education. In fact, the affordability crisis threatens to derail the dreams of millions of bright, talented young people who either cannot afford college or who leave school burdened with overwhelming debt.

To make the case for action to address this crisis, NEA is looking for stories of real students who cannot afford to pursue a college education. As we approach the graduation season, we are asking NEA members to share stories of your students who would like to attend college but cannot because of the cost. Stories will be collected and used to bolster the case for action by policymakers.

Send stories today!

Share with NEA any anecdotal stories about promising students you know for whom cost is the only barrier to postsecondary education.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Election 2008--The Candidates on Education

EDUCATORS WANT TO KNOW: Will our next president support teacher pay based on students’ performance on standardized tests?

We hope not, but Senator John McCain recently said of teachers: "We should reward the best of them with merit pay."

NEA knows that pay for student test scores (also known as "merit pay") is the wrong way to compensate educators because it does nothing to improve the practice of teaching in the classroom.

There is a better way.

NEA is advocating for a $40,000 starting salary for all pre-K-12 teachers and incentives for teachers who decide to learn new skills or take on additional duties like mentoring. NEA is committed to teacher quality, and we support alternative pay systems that are bargained and agreed to at the local level.

In the May issue of NEA Today, we have a comprehensive 2008 Presidential Candidate Comparison with a range of issues that affect you as an educator. We invite you to review the facts to see where the candidates really stand. NEA encourages all members to take part in helping to elect a pro-public education president. Visit to see how you can get involved.

Teachers and school employees work hard every day to help students learn and succeed. And teachers and support professionals deserve respect and the very best from our political leaders.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Abitration Hearing May 28, 2008 * 4:00 PM * LCHS Multi-Purpose Room

Thanks to all of you for showing your support of our member's position to move the Negotiations Process to Binding Arbitration by wearing your "I AM THE ISEA" stickers today.

Please send a message to the arbitrator and to the LC Board of Directors with your silent support in great numbers at our Binding Arbitration Hearing.

LCEA vs. LC Board of Directors


Lewis Central High School
4:00 PM * Multi-Purpose Room

Refreshments & treats
provided courtesy of LCEA.
Thank our Negotiations Team for
their hard work with your support.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stay Connected with Your Association this Summer and the Benefits of Your Membership

If you would like to receive communications from us this summer, please take a minute to forward us your home email address (and your phone number if it's different that the one listed in the district directory).

This might be very important considering that we are at arbitration this year. We will need to be able to share the decision with each of you.

Thanks for honoring public education and our profession with you membership, your recent input and you support during this challenging time for us. It's nice to work with folks who do the entire job of our profession.

Please click here to send us your information. You are appreciated. We'll see you tomorrow at the arbitration hearing.

2008 Legislative Action Summarized, Begins Implementation Process

Department of Education Director Judy Jeffrey has summarized the actions taken by the 2008 Legislature that will affect school districts.

In several cases, additional, detailed guidance will need to be issued to fully resolve questions around implementation of the statute.

As was the case last year, we will have to be patient as we work to effectively develop guidance and implement these new statutory provisions. Look for additional guidance in School Leader Updates and in separate, topic-specific communications. For additional information on Legislative actions, please use the following links:

2008 Letter from Iowa Department of Education to the Field.pdf

2008 Legislative Summary.pdf

CLICK HERE to access the Iowa Department of Education Website on these two pieces.

LCEA Watch the Vote 5/27/2008

In this LCEA watches the Vote for Iowa's 5th Congressional District:

Contact Senator Harkin or read his biography.
Contact Senator Grassley or read his biography.
Contact Representative King or read his biography.

Recent Congressional Votes -
Senate: Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008
Senate: Overriding the Veto of the Food and Energy Security Act of 2007
House: Gas Price Relief for Consumers Act
House: Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act
House: Overriding the Veto of the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act
House: To provide for the continuation of Department of Agriculture programs through FY2012
House: Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for FY2009

Editor's Note: The Senate and House are in recess until June 2.

Recent Senate Votes

Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008 - Vote Agreed to (75-22, 3 Not Voting)

With this vote, the Senate attached more than $10 billion in domestic spending to the $165 billion supplemental spending bill funding military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Sen. Charles Grassley voted NO
Contact Senator Grassley or read his biography.
Sen. Tom Harkin voted YES
Contact Senator Harkin or read his biography

Overriding the Veto of the Food and Energy Security Act of 2007 - Vote Passed (82-13, 1 Present, 4 Not Voting)

The Senate voted to override the President’s veto of the farm bill, but a clerical error will require the vote to be taken again.

Sen. Charles Grassley voted YES
Contact Senator Grassley or read his biography.
Sen. Tom Harkin voted YES
Contact Senator Harkin or read his biography


Recent House Votes

Gas Price Relief for Consumers Act - Vote Passed (324-84, 26 Not Voting)

The House passed a measure authorizing the Justice Department to pursue energy antitrust and price-fixing cases against members of the OPEC oil cartel.

Rep. Steve King voted NO

Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act - Vote Passed (263-160, 12 Not Voting)

The House passed this bill to extend temporary tax provisions that expired at the end of 2007.

Rep. Steve King voted NO
Contact Representative King or read his biography.
Overriding the Veto of the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act - Vote Passed (316-108, 11 Not Voting)

The House voted to override the President’s veto of the farm bill, but a clerical error required that the House vote on the bill again.

Rep. Steve King voted YES
Contact Representative King or read his biography.
To provide for the continuation of Department of Agriculture programs through FY2012 - Vote Passed (306-110, 19 Not Voting)

The House voted to suspend the rules and again pass the farm bill, after a clerical error invalidated a previous vote, the President’s veto, and a veto override.

Rep. Steve King voted YES
Contact Representative King or read his biography.

Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for FY2009 - Vote Passed (384-23, 27 Not Voting)

The House authorized $600 billion in defense appropriations for fiscal year 2009.

Rep. Steve King voted YES
Contact Representative King or read his biography.

Contact Senator Harkin or read his biography.
Contact Senator Grassley or read his biography.
Contact Representative King or read his biography.

New NEA President & Vice-President to Take the Helm for NEA's 3.2 Million Members

Van Roeckel and Eskelsen to Lead NEA's 3.2 Million Members in 2008
Campaigns for NEA Secretary-Treasurer and NEA Executive Board to Mount Campaigns at NEA RA in Washington D.C.

The deadline for filing nominations of candidates for the Executive Committee is set by NEA Bylaw 6-1(b) at April 15 of the year in which the election is to take place. The April 15 deadline for candidate filings for elections at the 2008 Representative Assembly has now passed and the following members have filed for the positions indicated:

NEA President
Dennis Van Roekel

NEA Vice President
Lily Eskelsen

NEA Secretary-Treasurer
Marsha Smith
Becky Pringle

NEA Executive Committee
Donna DeKraai
Len Paolillo
Princess Moss

The candidate for NEA President is running unopposed and will therefore be declared elected by the RA presiding officer following nominations at the 2008 NEA Representative Assembly (RA).

The candidate for NEA Vice President is running unopposed and will therefore be declared elected by the RA presiding officer following nominations at the 2008 RA. This will necessitate an election at the 2008 RA to fill a one-year vacancy to complete the term of the Secretary-Treasurer.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Originally Posted May 22, 2008
ISEA Red Oak Office--SWUU--Delivers Again and Provides "I AM THE ISEA" Stickers for LCEA to Show Solidarity

Your UNION needs you as we move towards our arbitration hearing on Wednesday .

Remember, we NEED you on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM in the High School Multi-Purpose Room as a member of the LCEA "moral support" audience.

Minutes after the arbitration vote, Chief Negotiator Beth Frank sent an email asking for the unit office for this tool to demonstrate our solidarity.

Pat Shipley agreed to combine a trip to Des Moines to get these for us. Let's use them to let our board and administration know who we are and where we stand. SWUU Uniserv Director John Phillips, a 30 year Association veteran, will be presenting our case to the arbitrator.

If we have enough of the button-like stickers, we might ask you to wear them on both Tuesday, May 27, 2008 and Wednesday, May 28, 2008. Please read your emails to keep on top of the Negotiation Team's plan.

Keep in mind that we can still settle up to 3:59:59. This deal could involve new language on an important negotiating priority or some other language change. We really want to reach and agreement for our membership. But it's time for the LC Board to come up just a little bit more as the money exists this year to do the right thing for a hard-working staff. $15.oo on the base isn't an outrageous demand considering all that we offered.

Are you taking advantage of your Access to Savings?

The ISEA's "Access to Savings" program now offers discounts at more than 200,000 locations across the nation including many popular national brand Web sites. What's more, we offer discounts at hundreds of local merchants across the state. To log in, click here and then click on the photo of your membership card. Once you're there, just type the number which is printed on your ISEA membership card in the "member login" box which appears in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. Be sure to check out all our deals -- including our Hot New Deals section where you can find the latest discounts available to you in your area and around the country. If you need a new membership card, contact your UniServ Unit office.

Pension and Retirement Security Resources from NEA

The publications linked below will help you understand, defend, and strengthen the quality and level of retirement benefits for yourself and other public education employees.

Protecting the Retirement Security of NEA Members: A Toolkit has all the information you'll need to protect your pension plan from legislative attack. It includes the advantages of defined benefit (DB) pension plans and the weaknesses of defined contribution (DC) pension plans, what the research shows about converting DB plans to DC plans, how to respond to the arguments you'll hear, and how to conduct campaigns around pension issues.

Characteristics of Large Public Education Pension Plans, December 2006, presents the results of a survey conducted during the summer and fall of 2006. It provides data in the areas of plan membership, assets, retirement eligibility, vesting requirements, purchase of service credit, state taxation of benefits, employee and employer contribution rates, plan benefit formulas and limitations, actuarial methods, funding, and board membership.
( PDF, 172 pp., 7 MB)

The Status of Retirement Coverage for Education Support Professionals provides the facts about retirement programs available for education support professionals (ESPs) and includes a comparison of retirement benefits for ESPs and teachers in each state. In addition to describing the existing benefits, the report identifies and discusses recommendations for improving the way ESPs are covered and the adequacy of such coverage.
(pdf icon PDF file, 24 pp., 216 KB)

Post-Retirement Return-to-Work Programs: A Survey and Discussion reviews state policies for allowing retired teachers to return-to-work without forfeiting their pensions and the various ways states have acted to ensure that return-to-work does not adversely affect the retirement system. It discusses concerns relating to return-to-work, including the barriers, disadvantages and benefits of this complicated issue for employees, school systems, associations, and retirement systems.
( PDF file, 52 pp., 222 KB)

NEA Issue Brief on Pension Protections in State Constitutions examines the pension protections currently in state constitutions and offers model language for those advocating for such a provision to protect the retirement system and its members.
(pdfsmall.GIF PDF file, 24 pp., 216 KB)

Retirement Systems & Retiree Health Insurance summarizes the findings of a 2005 study of the various health insurance plans offered to public education employees by public education retirement systems in the United States.
(Coming soon…)

More information about Social Security Privatization:

NEA Foundation Grants Available to You

The NEA Foundation is accepting applications for $2,000 and $5,000 grants.

Click here for a brochure with more details. Help us spread the word by sending your colleagues this link or by contacting Edith Wooten to order print copies.

The NEA Foundation supports a variety of efforts by teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to improve student learning in the nation's public schools, colleges, and universities.

  • Learning & Leadership Grants: provide opportunities for teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff to engage in high-quality professional development and lead their colleagues in professional growth. The grant amount is $2,000 for individuals and $5,000 for groups engaged in collegial study. The next application deadline is June 6, 2008.
  • Student Achievement Grants: provide $5,000 to improve the academic achievement of students by engaging in critical thinking and problem solving that deepen knowledge of standards-based subject matter. The work should also improve students’ habits of inquiry, self-directed learning, and critical reflection. (These grants replace the Foundation’s Innovation Grants program, which has been discontinued.) The next application deadline is June 6, 2008.

  • Announcing the Recipients of the NEA's Books Across America Library Books Awards: In collaboration with the National Education Association, The NEA Foundation will make approximately 50 awards of $1,000 each to public schools serving economically disadvantaged students to purchase books for school libraries. Update: Click here to view the recipients!
  • Closing the Achievement Gaps: Many economically disadvantaged and minority students do not have the same opportunities for academic success as their more affluent peers. With support from the NEA Foundation, partnerships led by NEA affiliates, school districts, and community organizations will take action to accelerate the achievement rate for disadvantaged and minority students, while raising achievement for all groups of students. Details. Application is by invitation only. Additional resources.

Award recipients:

Student Achievement Grant Recipients:
Student Achievement, Summer 2008 NEW!
Student Achievement, Winter 2008
Student Achievement, Fall 2007

Student Achievement, Summer 2007
Student Achievement, Winter 2007

Learning & Leadership Grant Recipients:
Learning & Leadership, Summer 2008 NEW!
Learning & Leadership, Winter 2008
Learning & Leadership, Fall 2007

Learning & Leadership, Summer 2007
Learning & Leadership, Winter 2007

Learning & Leadership, Fall 2006

Learning & Leadership, Spring 2006
Learning & Leadership, Winter 2006
Learning & Leadership, Fall 2005
Learning & Leadership, Spring 2005
Learning & Leadership, Winter 2005
Learning & Leadership, Fall 2004
Learning & Leadership, Spring 2004
Learning & Leadership, Winter 2004
Learning & Leadership, Fall 2003
Learning & Leadership, Summer 2003
Learning & Leadership, Winter 2003
Innovation Grant Recipients:
Innovation, Fall 2006
Innovation, Spring 2006

Innovation, Winter 2006
Innovation, Fall 2005
Innovation, Spring 2005
Innovation, Winter 2005
Innovation, Fall 2004
Innovation, Spring 2004
Innovation, Winter 2004
Innovation, Fall 2003
Innovation, Summer 2003
Innovation, Winter 2003

Helpful Information for Applicants:
Helpful Information for Current Grantees:

LCEA Insider Celebrates 200th Post

Thank you for your LCEA membership and involvement in our Association. With your help we've had a banner year for our Association. Now that we've established this tool to share contract information, NEA Member Benefits information, meeting agendas and minutes, days of celebration for our profession and some wonderful events in our local, it's time to take our site to the next level

Building Bloggers Needed

Help us highlight some of the wonderful events happening in the lives of our members and some of the great things that are happening in our building by being a blogger. We hope to feature more photos of events from your buildings for next year. It doesn't take tons of time. If you could commit to one post a month for next year, we could certainly improve our coverage of all the great things that our members are doing in and out of the classroom.

We will provide you the opportunity to learn how to be a blogger. It's easy and rewarding to help your Association. If you're interested in helping out your LCEA teammates, please click here.

Blog Statistics by Quarter

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tell Congress: Support Children's Health and Rural Education

May 23, 2008

In a major victory for NEA, the Senate passed two critical domestic spending provisions as part of an Iraq supplemental appropriations bill:

A provision to continue Medicaid reimbursements that help children with serious and chronic conditions go to school; and

A provision to continue funding for one year for the expired Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act, which provides a guaranteed payment to rural, timber-dependent counties.

But, the fight is not over. The House needs to include these provisions in its version of the bill, and they need to be kept in the final version of the bill when the House and Senate versions go to "conference committee" to work out differences. If the Medicaid provision is dropped, many children with special needs could be kept out of school. Without the rural schools funding, impacted counties will have to lay off staff and cut programs.

Contact your representatives in Congress!
Congress will be on recess the week of May 26. While Members of Congress are back home, tell them to support the Medicaid funding and rural schools provisions in the Iraq supplemental funding bill

Tell the House: Support Four-Year Reauthorization of Secure Rural Schools Program
In addition to considering a one-year extension of funding for the Secure Rural Schools Program in the Iraq funding bill, Congress now also has the opportunity to reauthorize this critical program for four years. In early June, the House will vote on a free-standing bill introduced by Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR), that will provide this four-year reauthorization.

Contact your representatives in Congress!

Tell the House to support passage of HR 3058, the Public Land Communities Transition Act, offered by Rep. Peter DeFazio, to provide a four-year reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools Program.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

LCEA Votes to Take Negotiations to Arbitration on an 11-6 Vote

LCEA Emergency
Executive Board Meeting

4:00 PM
Room 203
Middle School

LCEA President Dave Bergman called the meeting to order at 4:10 PM

Tom McLaughlin requested that a roll-call vote be taken.

There was a brief discussion of each building's method of gathering input from members on whether to accept the LC Board of Directors last offer of a $900.00 increase on the base or to move forward to arbitration in a effort to resolve the differences between the negotiating parties. Please click here to read more about the information gathering process. All buildings spoke to their members and the votes on the board represent the will of the membership.

Tom McLaughlin moved that:

"The LCEA shall proceed to arbitration to settle the 2007-2008 LC Master Contract."

Allison Towne seconded the motion.

LCEA Secretary Kim Muta recorded the roll call vote as follows.

Margie Argotsinger


Dave Bergman


Jennifer Doorlag


Susan Drustrup


Beth Frank


Lisa Gundlach


Jennifer Hake


Al Lorenz


Tom McLaughlin


Kathy Moe


Barb Motes


Kim Muta


Melinn Ruzicka


Joanna Stenlund


Ashley Shipp


Allison Towne


Tara York


The motion carried on a vote of 11 Yea votes to 6 Nay votes. Our Association needs you! Please plan on attending the Arbitration Hearing next Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM in the High School Multi-Purpose Room to support your union. We will have snacks for members who will be there to demonstrate our solidarity and to give our team moral support. You will be able to grade papers while being at the meeting.

Our role will be to listen to our argument and the Board's argument. Spectators do not speak during the hearing. The arbitrator will make a ruling in 15 days.

Since we will have a delay in issuing the contracts please be aware of this clause in our contract:

Late Resignation: An employee who returns a signed individual teaching contract or contract modification to the Board for the following year and then is released from that contract, or who is released from an individual teaching contract after June 15 even though a signed individual contract or contract modification has not been returned to the Board, shall be liable for the actual newspaper advertising expenses incurred by the Board in seeking a suitable replacement.

LCEA Emergency Executive Board Emergency Meeting Minutes May 21, 2008

LCEA Emergency Meeting Minutes—New Executive Board
Date: 5/21/2008
Place: Middle School—Beth Frank’s classroom
Time: 4:10 * Unofficial Minutes * Do Not Post

Roll Call: Dave Bergman, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Sharon Crawley (absent), Barb Motes
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin, Allison Towne, Brian Johnson (absent), Ruth Kreger (absent)
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank, Al Lorenz
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup, Lisa Gundlach, Jennifer Hake, Joanna Stenlund
Kreft Reps: LoriAnn Brougham (absent), Mary Broughton (absent), Lee Parkison (absent)
Substitutes: Ashley Shipp, Melinn Ruzicka, Kathy Moe, Tara York

The only agenda item was to decide whether LCEA should accept the District’s Board of Directors offer of $900 added to the base or go to arbitration.

Tom McLaughlin moved that LCEA go to arbitration. Allison Towne seconded the motion. Tom McLaughlin asked for a roll call vote:
• Dave Bergman: nay
• Kim Muta: yea
• Jennifer Doorlag: nay
• Barb Motes: nay
• Tom McLaughlin: yea
• Allison Towne: yea
• Margot Argotsinger: yea
• Beth Frank: nay
• Al Lorenz: yea
• Susan Drustrup: yea
• Lisa Gundlach: yea
• Jennifer Hake: yea
• Joanna Stenlund: yea
• Ashley Shipp: yea
• Melinn Ruzicka: nay
• Kathy Moe: nay
• Tara York: yea
Yea = 11
Nay = 6

The motion to go to arbitration passed. Beth Frank reminded the Executive Board to pass the word that members need to attend the arbitration hearing. It is set for Wednesday, May 28, 2008, at 4:00 in the high school multi-purpose room. She also suggested that someone bring treats for this meeting, and Kim Muta agreed to do that.

Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:20.

Monday, May 19, 2008

LCEA Executive Board Seeks More Member Input on Arbitration Vote.


Attention LCEA Members
Please Share Your Thoughts with Us
on this Important LCEA Decision

After an emergency meeting to discuss the "pros and cons" of arbitration, the LCEA Executive Board has decided to gather more information from our membership.

The choices we have are the following:

A) Accept $900.00 on the base increase proposed by the district at mediation.
  • our offer was $1000.00 at the start of mediation;
  • $950.00 at the end of mediation;
  • $925.00 on a post mediation offer on May 5th;
  • $915.00 compromise made by the PERB (Public Employee Relations Baord) in an attempt to settle the contract;
  • Our PERB $915.00 offer was rejected by the board.
B) Proceed to arbitration at $950.00 base increase--LCEA proposal.
  • At arbitration the arbitrator has two choices-- be aware that the arbitrator can only choose one of these two arbitration offers--not in between.
  • $950.00 LCEA arbitration offer
  • $850.00 LC Board proposal.
If arbitration is chosen, it is imperative that ALL members be in attendance. We need to show the arbitrator that we have the support of our membership. The "arbitration hearing" is set for Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM in the Middle School Library.

YOUR FEEDBACK IS NECESSARY BY WEDNESDAY, as we will be meeting after school to make a final decision Any confusion or questions?? PLEASE CONTACT YOUR BUILDING LEVEL ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES.

Your email or "in person" comments, questions, recommendations are appreciated.

LCEA Emergency Executive Board Meeting Minutes May 19, 2008

LCEA Emergency Meeting Minutes—New Executive Board Date: 5/19/2008 Place: Middle School—Beth Frank’s classroom Time: 4:15 * Unofficial Minutes * Not to be Posted

Roll Call: Dave Bergman*, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Sharon Crawley (absent), Barb Motes (absent)
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin, Allison Towne (absent), Brian Johnson (absent), Ruth Kreger (absent)
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank*, Al Lorenz
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup*, Lisa Gundlach (absent), Jennifer Hake (absent), Joanna Stenlund
Kreft Reps: LoriAnn Brougham*, Mary Broughton (absent), Lee Parkison (absent)
Guests: Ashley Shipp*, John Phillips (SWUU Uniserv Director), Pat Shipley (SWUU Uniserv Director)

The only agenda item was to decide whether LCEA should accept the District’s Board of Directors offer of $900 added to the base or go to arbitration.

The members of the negotiations team who were present at the meeting are identified with an asterisk above.

John Phillips explained the procedures involved in arbitration, and he shared an overview of the presentation he would make to the arbitrator should we indeed go to arbitration.

Tom McLaughlin moved that the decision be tabled until building representatives could gather feedback from the membership. Tara York seconded the motion, and it passed. There was one “nay” vote.

Beth Frank created a document to be shared with the membership to explain the situation and the options. See below:

Attention LCEA Members
After an emergency meeting to discuss the pros and cons of arbitration, the LCEA executive board has decided to gather more information from the members.
The choices we have are the following:

A) Accept $900 on the base increase.
a. proposed by the district at mediation (our offer was $1000 at the start of mediation, $950 at the end of mediation, $925 as a post mediation offer on May 5th, $915 compromise proposal made by PERB(Public Employee Relations Board) in an attempt to settle the contract - rejected by the board)
B) Proceed to arbitration at $950 base increase - LCEA proposal
a. At arbitration the arbitrator has 2 choices - Be aware that the arbitrator can only choose one of these two choices - not in between.
i. $950 LCEA
ii. $850 Board proposal.

If arbitration is picked it is imperative that all members be in attendance. Hearing is set for 4:00 pm at the Middle School Library.

Feedback is necessary by Wednesday, as we will be meeting after school to make a final decision. Any confusion or questions please contact your representative.

Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:20 PM.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

LC Board Rejects PERB Intervention Offer and Stands Firm Over $15.00 Difference on the Base

May 16, 2008 Vote NULL and VOID: LCEA Teachers Vote in "Good Faith", While LC Board of Directors Rejects Reasonable Offer

We are sad to report that we received an email today that shared our board's unwillingness to honor PERB's suggested "meeting point" to settle our contract. Instead, our board voted no over a $15.00 difference on the base.

Please share with the members in your building the following information. I was informed by Dr. Schweer this morning at 9:15 the following information: the board has rejected the supposal offer of $915 as presented by PERB. I believe the Board's offer of $900 is still on the table.

The vote we took today is null and void. We are still on board with Arbitration on May 28th at 4 p.m. at the Middle School. This is an open meeting. We encourage and need every member to be at this meeting. There is only $6000 difference in the $900 and the $915 offer. The board's arbitration offer is $850 and LCEA's arbitration offer is $950.

Please let your building representatives know how you feel. We are meeting as an executive board again on Monday, May 19th at 4 p.m. in my room to vote on the next move.

Your LCEA negotiation team
Beth Frank
Susan Drustrup
LoriAnn Brougham
Ashley Shipp
Dave Bergman

Once again, hats-off to our local Association leaders who have continued to represent us so well in the Negotiations process. We will meet Monday to discuss our next move in this disturbing development. Chief Negotiator Beth Frank and Negotiations Team Members: Dave Bergman, Loriann Brogham, Susan Drustrup, Ashley Shipp. Your work on behalf of us is greatly appreciated.

The LCEA Executive Board unanimously supported the Professional Negotiations Teams presentation of a 5.89% package for the 2008-2009 contract year. The LCEA Board also moved a point of personal privilege to thank the team for their hard-work this year. It is unfortunate that the Board has chosen to ignore our desire to find "common ground."

The package that the board rejected offered members a 5.89% raise on the base or $915.00. This offer did NOT include Teacher Quality monies that teachers will be paid during 2008-2009. We believe that the Board's offer of $900.00 is still on the table. We are uncertain as to how the LCEA Executive Board will react to this disappointing development.

Once we do find an agreed upon amount (perhaps with the help of intervention), our district will be paying future Teacher Quality and Phase monies during the entire year. This will be a change in the way that monies have been distributed in the past.

As you may know, the legislature rolled year one monies into the general school aid formula. This major ISEA victory ensures that a large portion of the monies are not subject to being randomly cut or shifted by future legislatures as a kind of "Phase III" sort of compensation.


Article I Evaluation Current Contract
Article II Grievance Procedure Current Contract
Article III Employee Hours Current Contract
Article IV Seniority Current Contract
Article V Staff Reduction Current Contract
Article VI Leaves of Absence Agreed Change add(grandchildren)
Article VII Transfer Procedures Current Contract
Article VIII Vacations and Holidays Current Contract
Article IX Insurance Current Contract
Article X Payroll Deductions Current Contract
Article XI Wages and Salaries Agreed to TQ money and curriculum writing changed to $25.00 per hour
Article XII Supplemental Pay Current Contract
Article XIII Safety Current Contract
Article XIV Duration and Signature Clause Agreed to changes
Salary Schedules Current Contract with change on the base Addition of Special Olympics Position
Appendix A Current Contract
Letter of Memorandum Current Contract

Leaves of Absence

A. Sick Leave

2. Family Illness Leave. Each employee will be allowed up to a maximum of five (5) days per year without deduction in pay for a serious illness, serious injury, surgery or hospitalization in the immediate family. The immediate family will include wife, husband, children, mother, father, father- or mother-in-law, grandchildren, brother or sister, or anyone living in the home of the employee. For purposes of this section, serious illness or serious injury shall be defined as an illness or injury requiring the attention of a licensed physician. Family illness days taken will be deducted from the employee’s sick leave.

Wages and Salaries

A. Schedule. The salaries of all employees are covered by the regular salary schedule set forth and attached hereto. The base salary will increase by $550 to $26,050. $950 to $27,000.

I. Allocation of Teacher Quality Funding: Effective July 1, 2008, the Teacher Quality Funding that the District receives will be allocated such that each teacher will receive $2500 plus the percent of the remaining funds. The percent is the same as the existing base salary schedule. The Teacher Quality Funding will also cover IPERS and FICA.

G. Wages and Salaries. Curriculum Development: Employees whom the administrators select to participate in the process of writing and developing curriculum will be compensated at the rate of $22.50 $25.00 per hour.

Duration And Signature Clause

2. If by Board, to Association at:

Sharon Crawley Dave Bergman

Lewis Central Education Association

High School

3504 Harry Langdon Blvd.

Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503

E. Duration Period.

1. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2008 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2009 except for the following:

a. the salary figures on the teachers' and nurses' salary schedule and the supplemental salary schedules shall be effective as of the first pay period of the 2008-2009 school year and shall continue in effect until the first pay period of the 2009-2010 school year except as modified according to the following formula; and

b. other salary and fringe benefits provisions shall become effective at the first pay period of the 2008-2009 school year and continue in effect until the first pay period of the 2009-2010 school year.

2. This Agreement shall automatically continue in force and effect for equivalent periods, except as articles are reopened for negotiation by either party during future collective bargaining.

F. Signature Clause.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective Presidents, attested by their respective Chief Negotiators, and their signatures placed thereon, all on the 15th day of May 2008.




(% Applied to BA Base)








Middle School

Special Olympics





