Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Teacher Quality Meeting Agenda Septemeber 5, 2008

It's time to get started with our work for this year. Barb Motes and Dave Black have built the following schedule for the year.

Sept 5 Sept 26
Oct 10 Oct 24
Nov 7 Dec 5
Jan 9 Jan 30
Feb 20 Mar 19
Apr 2 Apr 16
May 7 May 21

We may not need all of these meeting dates and we may not want to meet for two hours each time. This will be part of what we decide on Wednesday. The agenda for this first meeting (September 5 from 4:15-6:15 at the ERC) will include:

1. Review the requirements of Senate File 277 with regard to this Committee
Establish the committee
Ensure that the negotiated agreement determines the compensation of the teachers on the committee
Function within the Open Meetings Law
Monitor PD plans
Determine the use and distribution of 277 PD funds
Monitor implementation of SF277 with regard to Chapter 20 (negotiated agreement)
Monitor teacher performance evaluation requirements and develop model evidence
Recommend market factor incentives to the Board and LCEA
2. Formalize the committee structure/facilitation
3. Establish ground rules for committee operation
4. Determine calendar for the year and procedures for adding or deleting meetings
5. Establish agenda communication and posting procedures
6. Determine procedures for documenting committee meetings (minutes) and the distribution of minutes
7. Determine decision making process(es)
8. Establish and forward a recommendation for compensation rate and compensation procedures for the teachers on the committee
9. Identify procedures for studying the IPDM and LC Professional Development plans

I hope you can all make this important first meeting.