Read about the problems with the Title I Reauthorization Discussion Document and the Process for Seeking Input in NEA's Letter to the Committee
NEA President Reg Weaver will testify at 10 a.m. Eastern time on Monday, September 10, before the House Education and Labor Committee on reauthorization of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind. The hearing will solicit comments on the Committee’s draft bill to reauthorize Title I of ESEA.
NEA has already submitted a letter to the Committee outlining major concerns with the draft, including the continued focus on measuring schools based on two test scores, and the imposition of many additional mandates and requirements on schools and states without any guarantee of additional funding to meet them. The letter also expresses NEA’s deep concerns about the extremely limited amount of time that was made available for a substantive and thorough review of the 435-page document.
To watch President Weaver's live testimony on Monday morning, go to the Committee Web site ( and click on the "live webcast" link on the right-hand side.
More NCLB Drafts Released; Your Comments Needed
The House Committee on Education and Labor has now released “discussion drafts” for reauthorization of all the other parts of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind.
Your Help Is Needed!
We urge you to review the drafts, which are posted on the Committee Web site and share your feedback with us so that we can include your voice in our comments to the Committee. The deadline for submission of comments to the Committee is September 14, so please send comments to as soon as possible.
NEA has already submitted a letter to the Committee outlining major concerns with the draft, including the continued focus on measuring schools based on two test scores, and the imposition of many additional mandates and requirements on schools and states without any guarantee of additional funding to meet them. The letter also expresses NEA’s deep concerns about the extremely limited amount of time that was made available for a substantive and thorough review of the 435-page document.
To watch President Weaver's live testimony on Monday morning, go to the Committee Web site ( and click on the "live webcast" link on the right-hand side.
More NCLB Drafts Released; Your Comments Needed
The House Committee on Education and Labor has now released “discussion drafts” for reauthorization of all the other parts of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind.
Your Help Is Needed!
We urge you to review the drafts, which are posted on the Committee Web site and share your feedback with us so that we can include your voice in our comments to the Committee. The deadline for submission of comments to the Committee is September 14, so please send comments to as soon as possible.