Sunday, September 16, 2007

Elephant Educators for our Republican Members

We want to let you know about a new resource( that has been set up for you by one of our members, Jerome Hoynes of Illinois. The website is an outgrowth of the first NEA Republican Leaders Conference held this August in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Approximately 80 NEA members from 40 states attended the Republican Leaders Conference to undergo political and communications training and share ideas and experiences as Republican members of the NEA. At the end of the conference, participants brainstormed how to move forward in recruiting other Republican NEA members to become more active in the Republican Party. Some of them may have already contacted you to discuss ways to expand outreach to Republican members in your state.

One of the most exciting initiatives launched after the conference is the new Elephant Educators website. The site is an on-line advocacy group dedicated to improving American public education through increased cooperation and understanding between Republican Party organizations and members of the NEA.

Please take a minute to look at and share this information with other members who are interested in Republican issues.