Friday, February 22, 2013

Every Child Counts

The past two weeks of session were quite busy. Here is a recap of some of the most notable happenings related to kids and their families.

Last week, the HHS Budget SubCommittee heard presentations on Medicaid expansion which is a pretty hot topic at the Capitol right now. And, this week, the SubCommittee heard from 1st Five.

You can download the presentations below:

DHS - Medicaid Expansion Presentation
DHS - Iowa Care Presentation
1st Five

CLICK READ MORE below and read about specific EDUCATION and STUDENT/CHILDREN legislation.

On Wednesday, the Senate Education Budget SubCommittee heard testimony from Shanell Wagler, Facilitator, Early Childhood Iowa,

David Arens, Former Polk County ECI Board Member and
LauraBelle Sherman-Proehl, Administrative Consultant, Early Childhood, Dept. of Education. You can download their presentations below:

ECI Overview and Polk Co ECI Presentation
ECI Needs Assessment
Shared Visions Presentation

On February 19th, the House debated the Governor's education reform bill with a vote coming on February 20th. The House has a rule that they won't cast any votes after midnight and debate lasted right until midnight, so they recessed and came back for final statement and vote. HSB 4 (now HF 215) passed on party line vote. House Democrats offered several amendments, including expanding preschool and reducing class size but the Majority party ruled them non-germane, which is a little mind boggling. Not sure why preschool education is not relevant to education reform?! The bill moves onto the Senate...........stay tuned!

The first funnel date is March 8th, so there should be a flurry of activity leading up to that date!

We do our best to keep you up to date on what is happening during this legislative session. Feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions you might have. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

And finally, don't forget to communicate with your legislators and weigh in on important children and family issues!

Quality Early Learning and Development:
HF 215 ( formerly HSB 4) - Governor's Education Reform Bill - UPDATE - Passed House 52-44 on 2/19. Sent to Senate and assigned to Senate Education Comm.

SSB 1058 - Governor's Education Reform Bill - Subcommittee of Quirmbach, Schoenjohn and Ernst.

SF 48 - An Act requiring background checks for school employees.

HF 144 - Deems a child who is 4 yrs old and attending preschool as being of compulsory school age unless a parent submits a letter withdrawing the child from preschool. UPDATE - passed out of Subcommittee and in committee.
HF 256 - Membership requirement in ECI Boards.

HF 253 - Requires audits every three years of local ECI Boards. Subcommittee mtg on 2/27 @ 11:30.

HF 255 - Act relating to direct and indirect costs under the statewide preschool program for four-year-old children and including effective date provisions

SF 222 - EHS expansion by state of Iowa
Child Health and Well-Being:
SSB 1001 - An act requiring pulse oximetry screening for newborns in a birthing hospital. UPDATE - Subcommittee directed impacted parties to work out agreement and return with plan the first week in March.

SF 71- Medicaid expansion - The bill requires DHS to amend the medical assistance state plan to implement the bill with respect to the provision of medical homes and the coverage of certain low-income adults. (Companion bill is HF 83) UPDATE - two subs held - voted out of Subcommittee on 2/21.

HSB 95 - Relating to the use of restraints against a pregnant inmate or detainee. (Companion Bill SF 134). UPDATE - See this story. The bill is still alive in the Senate.

HF 97 - This bill provides eligibility for mental health services through the regional mental health and disability service system for certain children. The regions, consisting of counties, are being formed and phased in during FY 2013-2014.

HF 98 - This bill relates to the mental health and disability services (MH/DS) fund levy for FY 2013-2014 and FY

SF 101 - An Act relating to coverage for foster children under the Medicaid program

HSB 32 - An Act relating to the penalties for the criminal offense of sexual exploitation of a minor by the purchase or possession of child pornography.

HF 80 - An Act mandating drug testing of applicants for and certain recipients of assistance under the family investment program.

HF 167 - An Act establishing a child endangerment offense for the mother of a newborn child who caused an illegal drug to be present in the newborn child's body.

HF 161 - An Act requiring regional mental health and disability services to be provided to both children and adults.

HF 160 - Appropriates $11.63 million in FY 13 from the federal children's health insurance fund to the DHS MH Redesign Transition Fund. UPDATE - Passed house 58-42 on 2/13. Referred to Senate Approps.
SSB 1159 (Companion HSB 122) - vision screening for school age children. UPDATE: - subcommittees held in both chambers.

SF 196 - An act related to prenatal and postpartum care.

SF 178 - An Act relating to mandatory child abuse and dependent adult abuse reporter training, and including applicability provisions

SF 216 - An Act providing for training on suicide prevention and trauma-informed care for school personnel. Subcommitte on 2/25 at 12:15.

Family Economic Success:
HF 80 - Mandates drug testing of applicants for and certain recipients of assistance under the family investment program.
HF 1 - This bill relates to the taxpayers trust fund by modifying the transfer of moneys from the Iowa economic emergency fund to 29the taxpayers trust fund.
SF 88 - This bill increases the amount of the state earned income tax credit. Currently, the credit is equal to 7 percent of the amount of a taxpayer's federal earned income tax credit. The bill increases the amount of the credit to 20 percent. UPDATE - Subcommittee meeting on 2/27 at 11:30

SF 132 - This bill relates to specified aspects of the regulation of delayed deposit services businesses. Pay Day Loan Bill.

SF 135 - This bill requires that designated state departments and law enforcement agencies be provided access to delayed deposit services customer information when requested by the department or agency by subpoena.

HF 175 - An Act relating to eligibility determinations for the state child care assistance program.

HF 178 - An Act declaring the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act invalid, null and void, and of no effect in this state.

*bills listed by ECC legislative priority area. Bill listed might be helpful or harmful to the priority area.