"They gave their lives to protect the precious children in their care. They gave all they had for the most innocent and helpless among us." - President Obama
WI Gov. Walker delivers a blow to public education, takes aim at schools and working families...again
"Parents, teachers, education support professionals, school board members and administrators see past the lip-service and recognize that flat-lining public school funding while at the same time expanding taxpayer funding for private schools will harm neighborhood public schools." - Mary Bell, junior high library media specialist and WEAC president
Lawmakers prepare for hearing on school safety
More debate and discussion on gun violence and school safety is expected on Capitol Hill next week. Click through to find out more and let us know what you want to say to lawmakers.
Wisconsin teacher fights for his students and immigration reform
72 percent of Americans support a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring citizens living in the United States. Increasingly, there is bipartisan support for DREAMer students and comprehensive immigration reform from congressional Democrats as well as prominent Republicans.