Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Teacher Quality Monies to Arrive on October 1, 2008

LC Teachers to Split $1,029,367.99 in Third Installment of Iowa Teacher Quality Money

We can be thankful to the work done here by LCEA members in contacting their legislators, showing up at Saturday coffees with policy-makers, sending emails to elected decision makers, and for talking to supportive patrons in order to accomplish a great task for our profession in Iowa.

In just three short years, our local members have rallied to the call of their Association to pass this landmark legislation that will make Iowa an attractive place to teach for new educators, a great place to stay for veterans and a

So, when you open your paycheck/paystub on October 1, 2008 and notice the change in your salary by receiving the third installment of the Iowa Teacher Quality monies, you'll know one of many reasons to belong to our Association.

"Every indication that we receive from the ISEA Research and Political Action office, the average teacher salary in Iowa should be 26th in the country after this year," John Phillips, one of our outstanding Uniserv Director in Southwest Uniserv's ISEA Red Oak office said.

This is a substantial increase considering the fact that educators in most other states have continued to receive pay increases across the country and we will jump almost 17 ranks in average state salary.

A special thanks go out to LCEA Chief Negotiator Beth Frank who worked with the ERC to make sure that our monies will appear on the October check and run through August of 2009.

As was the case last year, as was the case the year before, your Association has secured a better future for you, your family and your profession.

Equally important to this fact is the fact the ISEA lobbying efforts have rolled these raises into the general state aid formula, So, thanks to all of you for your efforts, your team-mindedness and for understanding that our work in the classroom is really only a portion of the job that we do.

Thanks friends.