Thursday, September 11, 2008
LCEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes 9/11/2008
Place: High School Room 403
Time: 4:15
CLICK HERE for a Word version of the LCEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes from September 11, 2008.
Roll Call: Dave Bergman, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Sharon Crawley (absent), Barb Motes
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin (absent), Allison Towne (absent), Brian Johnson (absent), Ruth Kreger
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank, Al Lorenz
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup, Lisa Scieszinski, Jennifer Stroup, Joanna Stenlund
Kreft Reps: LoriAnn Brougham (absent), Mary Broughton, Lee Dwyer (absent)
Approval of Agenda (Dave Bergman)
• Joanna Stenlund moved that the agenda be approved, Beth Frank seconded it, and the motion passed.
Secretary’s Report (Kim Muta)
• Susan Drustrup moved that the minutes from the August meeting be approved, Mary Broughton seconded it, and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report (Jen Doorlag)
• Al Lorenz moved that the report be approved, Beth Frank seconded it, and the motion passed with one abstention.
President’s Report (Dave Bergman)
• First of the monthly meetings will be next week. Please forward issues to Dave Bergman. (Remember to follow the chain of command. Resolve it at the building level first.) He intends to discuss the Board’s representation at the arbitration meeting.
Negotiations: (Beth Frank)
• TQ money and Phase II money: It will be paid in eleven installments, beginning in October. (This year it will run from October through August.)
• Beth Frank has met with the new business manager, and they have worked through spreadsheets and such to be sure everyone is getting what they should.
• Beth Frank has made a copy of the salary schedule and the TQ/Phase II amounts.
Building Reports
• High School: We’re trying to create a pyramid of interventions for the kids who aren’t turning in homework.
• Middle School: Two questions. One is about the air quality in the auditorium and performing arts wing. Al Lorenz asked where the question should be raised: building principals or superintendent. Dave Bergman said he would ask Dr. Schweer. The second question is about the shortage of special education associates, and Dave Bergman asked Al Lorenz to raise that question with the building principal first.
• Titan Hill: The new law about not charging fees for field trips, and it is having an impact. There is also an issue with the special education teachers being told they will take on sections of Title I reading classes. There are questions about the funding streams and endorsements. Finally, the fourth grade classes are overly full—28 or 29 kids per class. There is great concern about the impact of these class sizes on the high-stakes test scores.
• Kreft: They will be meeting with Barb Grell sometime soon. There are only two bathrooms for 600+ kids.
Old Business:
• Membership dues: In August, Tom McLaughlin moved that we raise the 2008-2009 dues to $32, with the intention of raising dues by $2 each year for five years pending yearly Board approval. Loriann Brougham seconded it. The motion passed with one abstention.
• Key chains for members’ birthdays: Barb Motes is waiting for a sale on them that she thinks is probably coming.
• Arbitration meeting: Dave Bergman talked about the lack of professionalism shown by some Board of Directors and the legal representation. He will be raising the issue with Mark Schweer at a future meeting.
New Business:
• Thank you note to Chris Bern: Please send Dave Bergman any anecdotal thanks regarding his visit to LC. Dave Bergman will put together a thank you note for him.
• Super Rep envelope: Beth Frank pointed out the contents of the packet we received from ISEA, including warnings about distributing political information, the five-star local program, etc. She highlighted the response from NEA members to Iowa’s summer weather catastrophes. There is a fund, and members can apply for funds to replace school supplies and such. Finally, Kim Muta will forward future local leader meeting notices to the Executive Board.
• Barb Motes moved that the meeting be adjourned, Jennifer Stroup seconded it, and the meeting adjourned at 5:15.
LCEA Minutes