Thursday, April 17, 2008

Teacher Quality Meeting Minutes 4/17/2008

Lewis Central
Teacher Quality Committee
ERC--Official Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2008

A. The meeting was called to order by Dave Black at 4:37 p.m.

B. Present: Dave Black, Sean Dunphy, Barb Grell, Linda Hahn, Kim Jones, Al Lorenz, Barb Motes, Mark Schweer, Kent Stopak, Chuck Story

Absent: Jeanne Bartholow, Tom McLauglin, Kim Muta, Pat Thomas, Laurie Thies, Marilyn Wandersee

C. Sean Dunphy moved that the minutes from the March 12, 2008 and March 20, 2008 meetings be approved. Chuck Story seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the minutes were approved.

D. Model Evidence for non-core areas was presented by Barb Motes. Some of the non-core areas that work was completed or nearing completion on included school counselors, media specialists, nurses, and physical education instructors.

SPED model evidence is being worked on but information was not presented.

Other non-core areas were still being investigated.

Barb was planning on sending e-mails to some of the non-core areas for additional input and reactions to the materials developed.

E. Updates on Core Areas

Kent Stopak shared copies of the format used to assemble the evidence for the core area standards.

Kent supplied copy of the cover sheet to be attached to the evidence for the core area standards. The cover sheet was designed to emphasize how the document was to be used with inclusion of 'fair and consistent' criteria expressed. It was to be noted and clarified that the document is a guide not a check list or prescription of required items. Editing and discussion took place.

F. Other business

Discussion took place as to what other business is in front of this committee for the rest of the year.

The committee needs to reflect on the data of implementation of the process of evaluation--who is on cycle, off cycle, and so forth.

The committee needs to review the staff in-service days reflecting on number of staff who were involved, strengths and weaknesses of the plans for those days, and follow-up activities for the upcoming year.

G. Next Meeting

Wednesday, May 7, 4:30 P.M. at ERC

H. Adjournment

Motion made by Sean Dunphy and seconded by Chuck Story. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.