Thursday, April 10, 2008

LCEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes April 10, 2008

LCEA Meeting Minutes
Date: 4/10/2008 Place: Kreft Room 20 Time: 4:15

Roll Call: Sharon Crawley, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Maggie Bennett (absent), Dave Bergman
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin (absent), Allison Towne, Brian Johnson (absent), Christina Woodward (absent)
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank, Al Lorenz, Barb Motes
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup, Maggie Miller (absent), Jennifer Hake (absent), Joanna Stenlund (absent)
Kreft Reps: Kathy Moe, Melinn Ruzicka, Tara York (absent—LoriAnn Brogham subbing in for her)

Approval of Agenda: Sharon Crawley
• Dave Bergman moved that the agenda be approved, Allison Towne seconded it, and the motion passed.

Secretary’s Report/ Approval of Minutes: Kim Muta
• Dave Bergman moved that the minutes be approved, Allison Towne seconded it, and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Jennifer Doorlag
• There is no print out right now. Jennifer Doorlag said that we are taking in less money than we have budgeted for. We should be more careful about setting next year’s budget. We haven’t looked carefully at the budget for a couple of years.
• Barb Motes moves that Jennifer Doorlag be given permission to get into savings to adjust for this year, Allison Towne seconded the motion, and it passed.

Negotiations: Beth Frank
• Beth Frank reported the last positions taken. Grandchildren have been added into the language for family leave. The TQC money will be distributed thusly: $2500 to each person and then their percentage from the remaining money.
• The Board’s last position on salary was to add $900 to the base. LCEA’s last position was to add $1000. Beth Frank needs to know what the LCEA Board wants her to do. The consensus seems to be to suggest splitting the difference ($950) and avoid arbitration.
• Arbitration is set for May 9 or 12.

TQC: Barb Motes
• Barb Motes said that we are still discussing the model evidence for portfolios. She will suggest at the next meeting that model evidence documents for the “specials” be distributed at a staff development so the people in the “specials” could give some feedback.

President’s Report: Sharon Crawley
• ISEA President, Linda Nelson, will be visiting our unit April 22-23-24. Titan Hill wants to have her come in during the morning on Apr. 23. They would like to do a breakfast for her.

Committee Reports:
• High School: Nothing to report.
• Middle School: They would like to be a part of the hiring of new staff. They will raise the issue with their building principals first. Another issue is about contract and rights. We should revisit our contract to make sure that due process looks very clear to avoid future problems.
• Kreft: They have been told to be packed by May 30, but the staff work day is June 2, and they will have to be doing grades at the same time. Kim Muta said that it’s time for Mark Schweer to be brought into the conversation because this has happened every year since construction started in the district. They have also had some break-ins lately—Monday night.
• Titan Hill: The above issue might be true of Titan Hill.

Old Business:
• Committees for: Retirees, Scholarships, etc. Curt Mace has been contacted. Sharon Crawley will bring the completed applications to the committee members. Phyllis Hamling and Jan Pellant are the two retirees. Kari Lewis will be approached about doing the sketches for them.

New Business:
• Budget—This will need to be approved during the May meeting for the incoming Executive Board.
• Teacher of the Year—Each building should nominate its own person (or persons), and the building reps should take care of balloting and voting.

• Allison Towne moved that the meeting be adjourned, Melinn Ruzicka seconded the motion, and it passed. The meeting adjourned at 5:10.

CLICK HERE for a WORD version of LCEA Meeting Minutes 04.10.08