Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Teacher Quality Committee Minutes October 10, 2007

Teacher Quality Committee—
Official Meeting Minutes
Educational Resource Center
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

1. Call to order and roll call at 4:30 p.m.
Present: Dave Black, Jeanne Bartholow, Chuck Story, Laurie Thies, Kim Jones, Kim Muta, Barb Motes, Pat Thomas, Al Lorenz, Linda Hahn, Barb Grell, Sean Dunphy, Kent Stopak, Marilyn Wandersee, Mark Schweer
Guest: Terri Bush, technical assistant and resource person for the Dept. of Ed. with AEA 13
Absent: Tom McLaughlin

2. Approval of the October 10, 2007, agenda
Barb Motes moved that the agenda be approved, Chuck Story seconded the motion, and it passed.

3. Review the minutes of the September 5, 2007, meeting
Chuck Story moved that the September 5, 2007, meeting minutes be approved, Sean Dunphy seconded the motion, and it passed.

4. Review the Iowa Professional Development Model (IPDM)
The Committee asked Terri Bush several questions regarding the IPDM. Following are key points of the discussion:
* IPDM requires one-focus emphasis, though in large districts it can vary from building to building. The focus cannot vary within buildings. However, some topics/foci, like “reading,” can connect what individuals and buildings are doing.
* Districts should keep in mind the 80/20 split. Eighty percent of professional development should be spent on that single focus, but the remaining twenty percent can be a looser focus.
* The Dept. of Ed. website has a content network, a list of approved professional development, which is heavy in reading but includes math and science. The approved list includes scientific-based models. However, working with Marzano’s research can be considered acceptable even though it doesn’t strictly follow one model.
* Some districts use professional development time for curriculum mapping, and as long as it is focusing on student achievement, that’s acceptable. When curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment meet, student achievement will be affected.
* Lewis Central’s work with Professional Leaning Communities fits the IPDM requirement that the time be spent collaboratively.
* In terms of delivery of professional development, the five important pieces must be in place (theory, demonstration, practice, feedback, and coaching).
* There is concern about the applicability of the single-focus model for the diversity of any teaching staff, especially for those teachers of non-core areas. The twenty percent of professional development time, which can be more loosely focused, can be used for things specific to those people. Bringing in someone from another district, for example, to help with curriculum development for a non-core area would fit IPDM as long as the curriculum work includes instruction and assessment.
* The 80/20 split should apply to the year’s worth of professional development, to the plan (a three-year plan, for example), and to the individual session. In terms of moving on from one focus to the next, the district should look at the implementation of the focus area. Ask how many of the staff are implementing the professional development related to that focus with fidelity. If 80% are implementing with fidelity, staff can move to another area of focus.

5. Determine the next meeting times
The Committee decided to meet right before the Board meeting on Monday, October 15, 2007. The Committee will hear the presentations by the building principals to the Board regarding plans for professional development. On Wednesday, October 17, 2007, the Committee will meet to discuss whether the professional development plans meet the IPDM and to discuss the distribution of professional development funds.

6. Adjournment
Laurie Thies moved that the meeting be adjourned at 5:50 p.m