LCEA Executive
Board Meeting
Date: 10/11/2007
Place: Middle School
Time: 4:15
Roll Call: Sharon Crawley, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag,
Maggie Bennett, Dave Bergman
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin, Allison Towne, Brian Johnson, Christina Woodward
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank, Al Lorenz, Barb Motes
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup, Maggie Miller, Jennifer Hake
Kreft Reps: Kathy Moe, Melinn Ruzicka, Tara York
Approval of Agenda:
Secretary’s Report/ Approval of Minutes: Kim Muta
Treasurer’s Report: Jen Doorlag/Bill Agan: Audit (Where are we on this? Due Nov.15th.)
Negotiations: Beth Frank
TQC: Barb Motes
President’s Report: Sharon Crawley
Committee Reports:
High School:
Middle School:
Titan Hill:
Old Business:
Documentation forms
Reps setting up monthly meetings with individual building principals
Ten minute meetings with members
New Business:
• Building Reps information
• Check in on new teachers
• Attendance to a board meeting
• Opportunities for Public Relations: Candy drive for Children’s Square, Food drives, winter drives, etc..
6:30 5. Adjournment