Wednesday, April 30, 2008

District Leadership Meeting Minutes April 30, 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Un-Official Minutes

Dr. Schweer called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

Attendance: Mark Schweer, Dave Black, Laurie Thies, Barb Grell, Heather Nano, Rosie Spangenberg, Allison Toman, Laurie Thies, Kent Stopak, Pam Fox, Jeanie Bartholow, Kristen Johnson, Genie Wickham, Kris York, Breanne Hedrick, Ashley Shipp, Jim Haver, Sean Dunphy, Kathie Lincoln, Dave Bergman, Kim Jones, Mary Langille, Chuck Story, Terri Bush, Facilitator, Anna Boehm, Secretary.

Welcome: Dr. Schweer introduced Terri Bush as the Facilitator for this committee. Introductions were made by all in the attendance.

Teri stated that she is here to assist the LC district in working systemically to align curriculum, instruction and assessment in an effort to increase student achievement. (This class can be used for credit, Terri will check into this for those who are interested in the credit hours.)

This committee will be working systemically – working across all levels, components and competencies to improve student achievement. The key elements of the work will be:
• Levels – Classroom, School, District, and the State
• Components include standards, curriculum instruction, assessment resources, staff, parents and community.
• Competencies for improvement – Creating coherence, collecting, interpreting and using data; ensuring continuous professional learning opportunities; building relationships, and responding to changing conditions.

The committee will be planning professional development, problem solving and making decisions on curriculum instruction and assessment.

Team Building Activity – A team building activity was done to get to know and better trust each other. After the activity the group stated that the activity was about:
• communicating
• fun
• shared work
• conditions in the room
• tried alternatives
• not being afraid to be different
• learned from mistakes
• employed the KISS method (keep it simple stupid)
• strong foundation, keep an open mind

Overview of DLT Model & Questions: PLC’s will be used, then building leadership teams, then to the district leadership team. Outcome will be to problem solve and make decisions regarding curriculum, instruction and assessment in a systemic effort to raise the bar and close the gap for all Lewis Central students.

Task Force/Instructional Council – The work that the Task Force has been done is so appreciated. Lewis Central School District would not be where they are today without your leadership. Your efforts are very much appreciated. The Task Force and Instructional Council will no longer exist. Things have changed for LC and the kids. It is time for the district to change and try something new. This work will be done for one year and will be evaluated at that time. Team work is needed, but don’t forget the work the Task Force has done.

Why did this happen? Four audits have been done in this district in three different buildings. Document review and interviews were done at Kreft, Titan Hill & MS. All LC students are getting core instruction. We need to execute the action plan to raise the bar and close the gap for kids.

Terri opened the floor for questions. There were no questions from the group.

Setting Group Norms:
The Group was asked to write down one group norm that they thought was very important.
• Stay focused on the agenda
• Try to understand each other or each buildings perspective
• Act with integrity
• Don’t pull rank
• Treat everyone with respect
• Hard on issues, soft on people
• Keep an open mind
• Be on time
• Ask questions as they arise even if they are dumb or tough
• Share honestly
• Listen to everyone’s point of view
• All ideas are respected
• Argue as if you are right, listen as if you are wrong
• Flexibility
• Treat people right, no side bars
The eight highlighted norms were chosen by the group as their priorities for this committee.

Roles and Responsibilities:
The outcome of this meeting is to develop roles and responsibilities of each person in this room beyond the monthly meetings. Articles were handed out that support this work. How do you see yourself in the leadership role, when you return to your building?

The group participated in an activity with the following charts:
• Catalyst for Change
• Learner
• Classroom Supporter
• Instructional Coach
• Data Coach
• Resource Provider
• School Leader
• Learning Facilitator
• Mentor
• Curriculum Coach

The group was asked to read the article “Why Coaching?” and to use metacognitive markings on the article
! - It may be new – I want to remember and try it
? - I have questions
+ - Aligns with my thinking

Future Issues:
This work will be extended until on May 6. Roles & Responsibilities will be decided on Tuesday, May 6.

Terri asked the group to use index cards to document the following:
• To state the issue and its significance
• Ideal outcome
• Background information
• What you want from the group.

“Characteristics of Effective Coaches” article was handed out for the group to read and they were asked bring this back on May 6.
The next meeting is Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the ERC.

With no further business before them, at 4:00 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tell Congress: America's economy needs a $100 billion jump-start

Tell Congress: America's economy needs a $100 billion jump-start

More than half the states will soon be in the red. Unlike the federal government, states must balance their budgets. Due to today's deteriorating economic conditions:

  • Hundreds of thousands of teachers and other public employees are facing layoffs - 20,000 educators in California alone.
  • States are contemplating cuts in education programs of all kinds - everything from Head Start to K-12 to higher education.
  • New Medicaid and SCHIP regulations will leave low-income children and children with disabilities without health care and further strain state budgets.

Tell your representatives the economy needs a jump start.

Contact Congress TODAY!

Tell Congress a second economic stimulus package is needed to preserve education, health care, and other essential state services.

Tell Congress: the so-called "Academic Bill of Rights" is NOT needed

A conference committee is crafting a final reauthorization bill for the Higher Education Act. The Senate bill includes an "Academic Bill of Rights," which NEA strongly opposes. The House bill does not include this provision.

Like the wolf clad in sheep's clothing, the so-called "Academic Bill of Rights" is NOT what it claims to be. Under the guise of protecting students from purported faculty bias, it would encourage ideologically-driven intervention in course content and teaching.

Contact Congress TODAY!

Tell your representatives NOT to support the "Academic Bill of Rights."

Tell Congress: Pass the Education for All Act (H.R. 2092, S. 1259).

In 2000, the United States and 180 other nations resolved to work together to achieve universal basic education by 2015. The Education for All Act would:

  • Make universal basic education a focus of U.S. foreign policy.
  • Provide $10 billion over five years to help poor nations create and execute plans to educate all of their children.
  • Help carry out a key recommendation of the 9-11 Commission.

Urge your representatives to cosponsor the Education for All Act

Contact Congress TODAY!

Tell your representatives to fulfill the U.S. commitment to basic universal education and cosponsor the Education for All Act.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

On-Line Education for You

The Flexibility You Need
These days, you simply don’t have the luxury of time to attend traditional classes. Commuting is impractical and summer hiatus always ends too quickly. Thanks to Drexel Online, you can take classes anywhere, anytime and gain the knowledge, skills and credentials needed to take your education, career – and your students – to the next level!

Programs Designed for Educators
You’ve chosen to make a difference in the lives of many - now choose the online university that will help you lead the way. The School of Education at Drexel offers a full selection of online master’s, bachelor’s and certificate programs. Our in-depth curriculum incorporates current research on teaching and includes the latest developments in pedagogy and instructional technology.

Choose the Program That’s Right for You
Here is a list of some of our online education programs designed specifically for the specializations and career paths of professional educators. Rest assured that all of our online programs provide the same rigorous curriculum, world-class faculty and well-respected credentials as our on-campus programs.

Apply NOW!
Classes are now forming for the Summer and Fall terms– so act now to join Drexel Online. There’s no application fee when you apply online. We’re here to help you lead the way! Visit us at, email us at or call us toll-free at (877) 215-0009.

We’ll be happy to help.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tell Congress not to cut corners on children's health care!

Tell Congress not to cut corners on children's health care!

More than a million children have been born without health insurance since the start of the 110th Congress - and the number grows daily. New Medicaid and SCHIP regulations threaten essential healthcare for:

  • Low-income children and families

  • Children with disabilities

Urge your elected representatives to put a hold on the new regulations and increase federal funding for Medicaid by supporting H.R. 5613, H.R. 5268 and S. 2819.

Contact your representatives in Congress TODAY!

Tell Congress to provide healthcare for more children, not less.

Tell Your Senator: Vote "Yes" on the Fair Pay Restoration Act

This week, the Senate will vote on the Fair Pay Restoration Act (S. 1843), which reaffirms civil rights threatened by a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Ledbetter v. Goodyear. This ruling:

  • Makes it virtually impossible for women facing pay discrimination to take legal action against their employers.

  • Threatens justice for anyone discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or age.

The House has already passed a bill that remedies the problems caused by the Court's ruling. Now, the ball is in the Senate's court.

Contact Your Senator TODAY!

Tell your Senator to vote for the Fair Pay Restoration Act (S. 1843) and make this bill a law.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Teacher Quality Meeting Minutes 4/17/2008

Lewis Central
Teacher Quality Committee
ERC--Official Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2008

A. The meeting was called to order by Dave Black at 4:37 p.m.

B. Present: Dave Black, Sean Dunphy, Barb Grell, Linda Hahn, Kim Jones, Al Lorenz, Barb Motes, Mark Schweer, Kent Stopak, Chuck Story

Absent: Jeanne Bartholow, Tom McLauglin, Kim Muta, Pat Thomas, Laurie Thies, Marilyn Wandersee

C. Sean Dunphy moved that the minutes from the March 12, 2008 and March 20, 2008 meetings be approved. Chuck Story seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the minutes were approved.

D. Model Evidence for non-core areas was presented by Barb Motes. Some of the non-core areas that work was completed or nearing completion on included school counselors, media specialists, nurses, and physical education instructors.

SPED model evidence is being worked on but information was not presented.

Other non-core areas were still being investigated.

Barb was planning on sending e-mails to some of the non-core areas for additional input and reactions to the materials developed.

E. Updates on Core Areas

Kent Stopak shared copies of the format used to assemble the evidence for the core area standards.

Kent supplied copy of the cover sheet to be attached to the evidence for the core area standards. The cover sheet was designed to emphasize how the document was to be used with inclusion of 'fair and consistent' criteria expressed. It was to be noted and clarified that the document is a guide not a check list or prescription of required items. Editing and discussion took place.

F. Other business

Discussion took place as to what other business is in front of this committee for the rest of the year.

The committee needs to reflect on the data of implementation of the process of evaluation--who is on cycle, off cycle, and so forth.

The committee needs to review the staff in-service days reflecting on number of staff who were involved, strengths and weaknesses of the plans for those days, and follow-up activities for the upcoming year.

G. Next Meeting

Wednesday, May 7, 4:30 P.M. at ERC

H. Adjournment

Motion made by Sean Dunphy and seconded by Chuck Story. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lily Eskelsen to Serve as NEA Vice-President

Lily Eskelsen
Secretary-Treasurer, National Education Association

Lily Eskelsen, an elementary teacher from Utah, has served as secretary-treasurer of the 3.2 million-member National Education Association since 2002. Eskelsen will be named NEA Vice-President by acclamation at this year's RA in Washington D.C.

Lily’s constant message is one of pride in the teaching profession, respect for all who work in America’s schools, and the importance of public education as the foundation of everything we hope to accomplish in our country.

Her 20 years of service to children include working as a lunch lady in a school kitchen, a kindergarten aide, and as a teacher at Orchard Elementary School in the suburbs of Salt Lake City. She also taught at the Family Homeless Shelter School and at the K-6 one-room school at the Christmas Box House, which is the county children’s shelter for hard-to-place foster kids.

Lily is a proud “Army Brat.” Her mother is from Panama. Her father is a retired soldier from Mississippi. She was raised in Texas, Georgia, Washington, Colorado, Alaska, and Utah.

Lily and her husband, Ruel, worked their way through the University of Utah on scholarships, student loans, and as starving folk singers. She graduated magna cum laude in elementary education in 1980 and later earned her master’s degree in instructional technology.

After teaching at Orchard Elementary for only nine years, she was named Utah Teacher of the Year in 1989. One year later, she was elected president of the Utah Education Association.

Lily has also served as president of the Utah State Retirement System (only the second woman to ever be elected to the position); as president of the Children at Risk Foundation; as a member of the Utah La Raza Education Committee; and as a member of the White House Strategy Session on Improving Hispanic Education. In 1998, she was the first Hispanic chosen as her party’s nominee for U.S. Congress in Utah.

Lily authored a humor column on parenting that ran in 22 local newspapers. Her interviews have been published in Time Magazine, Working Mother and Woman’s World. Lily has been featured on countless radio and television interviews including Hannity & Colmes and Lou Dobbs Tonight. She’s been the invited keynote speaker for hundreds of education events in virtually every state and was highlighted in Education World in their “Best Conference Speakers” edition.

Lily and Ruel Eskelsen now live in Washington, D.C. They use all their frequent flyer points to visit their children and grandchildren in Utah.

May 2007

Dennis Van Roekel to Take the NEA Helm

Dennis Van Roekel
Vice-President, National Education Association

Dennis Van Roekel, a 25-year teaching veteran and longtime activist and advocate for children and public education, was reelected vice president of the National Education Association in July 2005. An unopposed candidate for NEA President, Van Roekel will be named president by acclamation at this year's RA in Washington D.C.

The high school math teacher from Paradise Valley High School in Phoenix, Ariz., has served in numerous key Association offices, including NEA Secretary-Treasurer, Arizona Education Association President, and Paradise Valley Education Association President.

A popular and successful teacher, Van Roekel always works to make sure students are engaged and makes sure he listens to them as well. He brings that same style to his leadership in the organization. He is committed to helping Association members feel good about themselves, the work they do and their efforts to share their vision for quality public education with the community.

His accomplishments include dramatic increases in membership and voluntary political action committee contributions while president of the Arizona Education Association. He chairs the NEA Advisory Committee on Membership and serves on the NEA Strategic Planning and Budget Committee as well as the Board of Directors of NEA Member Benefits.

“To me, teaching and being an Association activist are part of the same thing,” Van Roekel says. “As one of my mentors said early on, ‘I can’t do half a job.’”

“We need to make sure our members understand the connection between what happens in the classroom and what influences decision making,” Van Roekel says. “It means listening to educators and parents talk about what they want and then working through political action, lobbying, bargaining and instructional advocacy to get members and students what they need.”

Van Roekel was born in LeMars, Iowa. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Iowa in Iowa City and a master’s degree in math education from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.

He and his wife, Julie, have two married adult sons, and are now proud grandparents.

May 2007

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Get the inside scoop on the core curriculum

Although a majority of Iowa school districts have already adopted Iowa's model core curriculum, it will soon be mandatory if a bill moving through the Legislature is approved this session. Developed by the Iowa Department of Education with input from a variety of educators, the curriculum is "rigorous and relevant" in order to better prepare students for success not only in post-secondary education but also for success in a changing workforce. The core curriculum also provides specific examples of instructional practices designed to help students become active learners and critical thinkers. To learn more, listen to our latest ISEA In Focus podcast episode featuring an interview with Iowa Department of Education Director Judy Jeffrey.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tell Congress: End the DC voucher experiment!

President Bush is asking Congress to extend the problem-ridden DC voucher experiment, set to expire this September, even though it:

· Has not demonstrated a positive impact on student achievement.

· Diverts $14 million per year from public education and is opposed by three-fourths of DC’s own residents.

· Pays tuition for students to go to private schools with unqualified teachers – some do not have even bachelor’s degrees.

Urge your elected representatives to say “no” to President Bush and put an end to the unproven, poorly managed DC voucher program.

Contact your representatives in Congress TODAY!

Tell Congress the DC voucher experiment deserves to die on schedule this September.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

LCEA Executive Board Agenda April 10, 2008

LCEA Executive Board Meeting
Date: 4/10/2008
Place: Kreft: Room 20. (Come in the main doors, take a left, and then a right on Butterfly Blvd. First door on the left side).
Time: 4:15

Roll Call: Sharon Crawley, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag,
Maggie Bennett, Dave Bergman
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin, Allison Towne, Brian Johnson, Christina Woodward
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank, Al Lorenz, Barb Motes
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup, Maggie Miller, Jennifer Hake
Kreft Reps: Kathy Moe, Melinn Ruzicka, Tara York

Approval of Agenda:

Secretary’s Report/ Approval of Minutes:

Treasurer’s Report:

Negotiations: Beth Frank

TQC: Barb Motes

President’s Report: Sharon Crawley

Committee Reports:
High School:
Middle School:
Titan Hill:

Old Business:
Election results/ Destroying of ballots
Committees for: Retirees, Scholarships, etc.

New Business:
ISEA President, Linda Nelson, will be visiting our unit April 22-23-24?


Other education bills still awaiting action

Here's a brief summary of where other education-related issues now stand:

Funding 'roll-in.' SF 2329, a bill to roll funding for four important categorical programs -- teacher salaries, class size reduction, Phase II, and professional development -- into the school aid formula is still awaiting action by the full House. This measure is critical in order to preserve these programs and to provide growth to keep pace with inflation.

Community colleges. HF 2679, the bill which includes funding for community colleges, has cleared the House Appropriations Committee and is now awaiting action on the House floor. It provides $6.5 million for community college general aid and $1 million for community faculty salaries. In addition, the bill mandates that all faculty meet minimum hiring standards and are part of the quality faculty plans. Faculty are also included in several parts of the bill giving them a voice with the Department of Education regarding accreditation, professional development, and other significant issues. While the funding levels are an improvement, there isn’t enough money to raise community college faculty salaries to 25th in the nation. Click here to read all the ISEA community college legislative initiatives for 2008, and click here to listen to episode 22 of the ISEA In Focus podcast series featuring ISEA Higher Education Standing Committee Chair Lee Skeens.

Senior Year Plus. The "Senior Year Plus" program proposed by Gov. Culver has been rolled into the Department of Education appropriations bill, HSB 787. This measure would provide for more oversight and coordination between existing high school programs like concurrent courses (formerly known as dual-enrollment), post-secondary enrollment options, and AP courses. The ISEA supports this bill because it requires the incorporation of best practices in teaching. The bill also sets eligibility requirements for students, teachers/instructors, and the institutions before a course can be offered.

Statewide penny tax. HF 2663, a controversial bill that would eliminate the local option sales tax and replace it with a statewide penny tax earmarked for school infrastructure or property tax relief, was approved yesterday by the House. While the ISEA supports the concept of a penny tax, we strongly oppose HF 2663 as it is currently written because it doesn't give local school districts the spending flexibility they need to meet student needs. Click here to read a statement by ISEA President Linda Nelson.

Core curriculum. The future is uncertain for SF 2216, a bill to require school districts to adopt the now-voluntary core curriculum after the House last week filed amendments to create new core standards and student performance standards. This would force the state to create new assessments at an estimated cost of more than $50 million. The ISEA strongly opposes the amendment. The measure is likely to go to a joint House-Senate conference committee. To learn more about the core curriculum, tune in to episode 23 of the ISEA In Focus podcast series featuring an interview with Department of Education Director Judy Jeffrey.

National Board Certification stipends. Despite repeated efforts by the ISEA and the Department of Education, the version of HF 2680 which passed out of the House Education Committee does not reinstate support for newly Board Certified teachers. The Legislature last year required teachers to be registered to take part in the rigorous National Board Certification process by Dec. 31, 2007, in order to be eligible for reimbursement of fees and to receive a stipend of $2,500 a year for ten years. The bill is awaiting action in the House.

Area Education Agency budgets. Funding for the AEAs won't be determined until the end of the session, but it appears that the Legislature will approve the Governor’s recommendation to restore $2.75 million that was previously cut. AEAs will also benefit from SF 2329, the funding "roll-in" bill.

IPERS. SF 2373, has passed out of the Senate State Government Committee and has been referred to Appropriations. It includes language allowing the actuary to set the IPERS contribution rate beginning in July of 2011 after the current statutory increase of 2 percent is fully implemented. In addition, the bill would limit the number of 403b vendors that a school district can use.

ESP salaries. ISEA lobbyists are continuing to work to get language included in the education appropriations bill making it a state goal to provide a competitive living wage to all public employees. Please contact your representatives in the House and urge them to include this language in the Education Appropriations Bill, HF 2679. To learn more about living wage campaigns, listen to episode 21 of the ISEA In Focus podcast series.

Bargaining bill in limbo as adjournment nears

Gov. Chet Culver has been meeting with legislative leaders as well as with the ISEA and other stakeholder groups in an attempt to reach a compromise over a bill to expand the scope of bargaining for public employees. But the bill, HF 2645, faces an uncertain future as the countdown to adjournment begins. Lawmakers' expense money runs out on April 22, which is the expected adjournment day. Some observers, however, are predicting that the gavel will fall before that.

Culver has said he is considering vetoing the measure which, if signed, would mark the first significant change in the collective bargaining law since it was passed in 1974. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal has filed a "motion to reconsider" on the bill. That, in effect, puts it on hold for now.

The bill levels the playing field for educators and other public employees at the bargaining table by allowing them to negotiate over such issues as class size, preparation time, in-service, and a whole host of other topics that under the current law (Chapter 20 of the Iowa Code) are deemed "permissive." It also streamlines the teacher termination process by eliminating the board hearing and making the adjudicator's decision binding on both parties.

ISEA members should contact the Governor immediately and urge him to put educators on an equal footing with management and give them a stronger voice in discussing professional issues that impact student achievement. Call 515-281-5211 or click here to send him an e-mail message. Please also take a moment to thank the Democrats in the House and Senate for their support on this important issue. Click here for contact information.

LCEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes April 10, 2008

LCEA Meeting Minutes
Date: 4/10/2008 Place: Kreft Room 20 Time: 4:15

Roll Call: Sharon Crawley, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Maggie Bennett (absent), Dave Bergman
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin (absent), Allison Towne, Brian Johnson (absent), Christina Woodward (absent)
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank, Al Lorenz, Barb Motes
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup, Maggie Miller (absent), Jennifer Hake (absent), Joanna Stenlund (absent)
Kreft Reps: Kathy Moe, Melinn Ruzicka, Tara York (absent—LoriAnn Brogham subbing in for her)

Approval of Agenda: Sharon Crawley
• Dave Bergman moved that the agenda be approved, Allison Towne seconded it, and the motion passed.

Secretary’s Report/ Approval of Minutes: Kim Muta
• Dave Bergman moved that the minutes be approved, Allison Towne seconded it, and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Jennifer Doorlag
• There is no print out right now. Jennifer Doorlag said that we are taking in less money than we have budgeted for. We should be more careful about setting next year’s budget. We haven’t looked carefully at the budget for a couple of years.
• Barb Motes moves that Jennifer Doorlag be given permission to get into savings to adjust for this year, Allison Towne seconded the motion, and it passed.

Negotiations: Beth Frank
• Beth Frank reported the last positions taken. Grandchildren have been added into the language for family leave. The TQC money will be distributed thusly: $2500 to each person and then their percentage from the remaining money.
• The Board’s last position on salary was to add $900 to the base. LCEA’s last position was to add $1000. Beth Frank needs to know what the LCEA Board wants her to do. The consensus seems to be to suggest splitting the difference ($950) and avoid arbitration.
• Arbitration is set for May 9 or 12.

TQC: Barb Motes
• Barb Motes said that we are still discussing the model evidence for portfolios. She will suggest at the next meeting that model evidence documents for the “specials” be distributed at a staff development so the people in the “specials” could give some feedback.

President’s Report: Sharon Crawley
• ISEA President, Linda Nelson, will be visiting our unit April 22-23-24. Titan Hill wants to have her come in during the morning on Apr. 23. They would like to do a breakfast for her.

Committee Reports:
• High School: Nothing to report.
• Middle School: They would like to be a part of the hiring of new staff. They will raise the issue with their building principals first. Another issue is about contract and rights. We should revisit our contract to make sure that due process looks very clear to avoid future problems.
• Kreft: They have been told to be packed by May 30, but the staff work day is June 2, and they will have to be doing grades at the same time. Kim Muta said that it’s time for Mark Schweer to be brought into the conversation because this has happened every year since construction started in the district. They have also had some break-ins lately—Monday night.
• Titan Hill: The above issue might be true of Titan Hill.

Old Business:
• Committees for: Retirees, Scholarships, etc. Curt Mace has been contacted. Sharon Crawley will bring the completed applications to the committee members. Phyllis Hamling and Jan Pellant are the two retirees. Kari Lewis will be approached about doing the sketches for them.

New Business:
• Budget—This will need to be approved during the May meeting for the incoming Executive Board.
• Teacher of the Year—Each building should nominate its own person (or persons), and the building reps should take care of balloting and voting.

• Allison Towne moved that the meeting be adjourned, Melinn Ruzicka seconded the motion, and it passed. The meeting adjourned at 5:10.

CLICK HERE for a WORD version of LCEA Meeting Minutes 04.10.08

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pending bill would make salary funding permanent

A bill to roll funding for four important categorical programs -- teacher salaries, class size reduction, Phase II, and professional development -- into the school aid formula has passed the Senate and is awaiting action in the House. Now known as SF 2329, the bill is critical in order to preserve these programs and to provide growth to keep pace with inflation. The teacher salary appropriation, for example, has only been set through the 2008-09 school year. Unless SF 2329 is approved, funding to maintain the salary increases will have to be approved each year. But as Iowa educators have learned the hard way, annual appropriations can be easy targets for the budget axe during economic downturns. Stay in the loop by reading our online legislative updates; or better yet, subscribe to the ISEA Hotline e-newsletter and get up-to-date news and information delivered right to your e-mail inbox.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Make your views known

Nearly 500 Association leaders and guests are expected to converge on the Hilton Coliseum in Ames April 3-4 to set policy and chart the Association’s course for the coming year. Among the highlights of the 2008 ISEA Delegate Assembly will be guest speakers, award presentations, action on resolutions and new business items, and the adoption of the ISEA budget. In addition, the delegates will elect a new ISEA president and vice president to lead the Association for the next two years. The March issue of the ISEA Communique includes an overview of the action items as well as biographical sketches of the candidates. Please take a look and let your local delegate know where you stand.