Sunday, August 4, 2013

LCEA Executive Board Training & Retreat

Your dedicated and member-elected LCEA leaders decided at their May LCEA Meeting to give part of their summer for some planning time, collaboration and training and team building before we kick-off a great 2013-2014. 

Here's what they decided (with a change of location).

WHAT:  LCEA Association/Building Representative and Executive Board Training/Retreat

WHERE:  Lewis Central High School Drama Room

WHEN:   Wednesday, August 14, 2013 from 8:00 AM-Noon

BREAKFAST:  LCEA will provide a continental breakfast of assorted bagels and pastries, fresh fruit, orange juice and coffee.

OVERVIEW:  We will take some time to have some breakfast; work with our wonderful SWUU Directors, Pat Shipley and Cindy Formeller (our new director who we are very lucky to have in SWUU) to evaluate the LCEA program; discuss our goals and expectations for the year; work with our building teams and more.