Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dennis VanRoekel on the Frontlines


 As I stand at the Capitol in Madison and watch this powerful display of solidarity, please allow me to say that all eyes are now on Wisconsin, but I know all too well that there are battles raging across the country. And I know that we will stay united through all of them. I remain entirely confident that with the decisive leadership in all of our affiliates and NEA'S continued commitment to all of you that we will organize and mobilize and face down these legislative crises wherever they occur.
In Idaho, educators and parents are helping to put the brakes on one of the most destructive and ill-conceived education proposals in the country ( In Ohio, thousands of teachers, other public service workers, small business leaders, and community members filled the Statehouse again today to show their opposition to Senate Bill 5 and Gov. Kasich's anti-worker agenda (

It is happening from coast to coast, and NEA is standing proudly with all of you fighting for the dignity and respect of all workers to say that we will not be silent or denied. I am so very appreciative of all of you for what you are doing each and every day for our members and your tireless efforts to preserve their rights to have a voice in the workplace. Our hearts and thoughts are with you.

Stay tough. Stay strong. And let us ALL wear red for public ed!
