Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Works for Me May 26, 2010


Teacher Report Cards

From Pam Shetler, an elementary school teacher in San Bernadino, California:

“At the close of the year, my students list their favorite activity in each subject, favorite read aloud and reading circle novel, what they liked best and least about my teaching, and if they had a successful year. Of course I ask them to expand by explaining why or why not. There is also space for additional comments. It is an anonymous report, though most happily sign it (and of course I would recognize their handwriting!). It is insightful and makes them feel valued.”

Use Your Humor

From Pamela M., a sixth grade social studies teacher at Sedgwick Middle School, in West Hartford, Connecticut:

“Humor must be used in the classroom. Joke, laugh, dance, sing, shout. I do it all; I think every teacher should. It helps kids stay focused on the lesson, and sometimes it even helps them remember ideas and motivates them. So stand up on that desk and tap dance while you give instructions, talk in an English accent or sing the answers to a homework assignment. As one teacher said to me, "Teaching shouldn't feel like a job, it should be fun."

Question of the Week: Summer Reading

“Relaxing with a juicy novel might be what you’re looking forward to this summer. What good read do you suggest for the summer? We’d love to hear both professional and recreational recommendations.”

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Teacher Inspiration

From Gowhar Badshaw:

“What inspires me as a teacher is the desire to inspire my students to want to learn in my classroom. I believe students are willing to discover and apply new information if it is presented in an interesting, challenging and relevant way. I strive as an educator to apply rigorous teaching methods across a broad range of informative, innovative, and interactive assignments. I structure my classroom in ways that take into consideration students' diversity -- as a class, as learners, and as individuals -- and encourage collaboration and active learning experiences. The successful classroom is one where students enjoy learning, accept responsibility for their own learning process, and are capable of integrating their new knowledge and skills in multiple ways outside the classroom.”.