Thursday, October 16, 2008
LCEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes 10/16/2008
Place: Middle School Library
Time: 4:15
CLICK HERE for a Word version of the LCEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes from October 16, 2008.
Roll Call: Dave Bergman, Kim Muta, Jennifer Doorlag, Sharon Crawley, Barb Motes (absent)
HS Reps: Tom McLaughlin (absent), Allison Towne, Brian Johnson (absent), Ruth Kreger
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank (absent), Al Lorenz
TH Reps: Susan Drustrup, Lisa Scieszinski, Jennifer Stroup (absent), Joanna Stenlund
Kreft Reps: LoriAnn Brougham (absent), Mary Broughton, Lee Dwyer
Approval of Agenda (Dave Bergman)
• Susan Drustrup moved that the agenda be approved, Ruth Kreger seconded it, and the motion passed.
Secretary’s Report (Kim Muta)
• Kim Muta forgot to bring copies of the September minutes for approval.
Treasurer’s Report (Jen Doorlag)
• We have an audit team ready to begin: Cheryl Casey, Kathie Lincoln, Ann Logan.
• The $700 from ISEA is for the new teachers/new members--$100 cash back.
• We are thinking about switching banks since the current bank is no longer affiliated with ISEA. We would like a bank that is more accessible.
• Allison Towne moved that the report be approved, Sharon Crawley seconded it, and the motion passed with one abstention.
President’s Report (Dave Bergman)
• There was no September meeting because of conflicting schedules. Dave Bergman and Barb Motes will meet with him next week. There is a list of discussion items for that meeting, some from the list for last month’s meeting.
Negotiations: (Beth Frank)
• Please gather the blue sheets at your building and get them to Beth Frank. Please note specific concerns in addition to ranking items.
• There are training sessions for negotiations, provided by ISEA.
• Approval of letter granting the team the power to negotiate for us: Sharon Crawley moved that the team be approved as such, Allison Towne seconded it, and the motion passed.
Building Reports
• High School: Sharon Crawley and Dave Bergman talked about the literacy cadre beginning to meet with AEA reps and administration.
• Middle School: Al Lorenz talked about having met with Sean Dunphy and the air quality, and were assured that there would be a reading taken soon. Sean Dunphy also said that he would raise the issue with the school board. There was also a discussion about needing more associates for special education, and the response is to move students around.
• Titan Hill: The problem with the requested lesson plans is raising its head again. Genie Wickham and Kent Stopak said that it is mandatory, and the lesson plans have to be in a particular format. The format is not one that has been used in the past. We thought that it had been taken care of, but it apparently has not. The fourth grade classes are at 28-29, and there are not enough materials. One class has no social studies textbooks at all. Kent Stopak has refused to purchase more textbooks. Teachers are being required to teach sections of Title 1 reading. There is a question about whether the teachers are certified to teach this. There are also special education teachers who are volunteering to work during their duty-free lunch in order to accommodate the scheduling of this Title 1 reading.
• Kreft: No report.
Old Business:
• Title 1 issue at the elementary: See the Titan Hill report above.
• Middle school mold: Since Al Lorenz went through the chain of command about this, so it should now be raised in the monthly meeting with the superintendent.
• Key chains for members’ birthdays: These are ordered.
• Special education associate: See the middle school report.
New Business:
• TQC representatives needed—We need to fill two spots, and we need a new co-chair.
• Chain of command—There is a question about chain of command within the buildings. Kreft has a posted list, but there are questions about it.
• Sharon Crawley moved that the meeting be adjourned, Mary Broughton seconded it, and the meeting adjourned at 5:05. Al Lorenz did vote nay, however.
LCEA Minutes