In response to tornadoes and record-setting flooding across Iowa, Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) president, Chris Bern, announced that educators from Iowa and across the United States have donated more than $40,000 to the ISEA’s Disaster Relief Effort.
“The outpouring of support from education professionals, other state education associations, and local associations in Iowa and as far away as Florida and California has been tremendous,” Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) president Chris Bern said.
Created in response to the tornado in Parkersburg and later extended to educators in areas hit by flooding, the ISEA contributed $5,000 toward the start of an ongoing fundraising effort aimed to help educators who lost classroom supplies and materials that they paid for out of their own pockets. The funds will be distributed sometime this fall to local associations which will then decide how best to disburse the money to members.
If you want to contribute, please make checks payable to the ISEA and write "Disaster Relief Effort"in the memo line at the bottom of the check. Send checks to: ISEA, c/o Disaster Relief Effort, 777 Third St., Des Moines, IA 50309. ISEA members in need of disaster relief funding may fill out the online application by clicking here.