Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Teacher Quality Committee Minutes November 7, 2008

Teacher Quality Committee – Official Meeting Minutes
Educational Resource Center
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

• Meeting was called to order by Barb Motes at 4:32 p.m.
Present: Barb Motes, Dave Black, Jeanne Bartholow, Chuck Story, Laurie Thies, Kim Jones, Kim Muta, Pat Thomas, Al Lorenz, Sean Dunphy, Marilyn Wandersee, Tom McLaughlin, Kent Stopak, Linda Hahn, Mark Schweer
Absent: Barb Grell

• Sean Dunphy moved that the minutes from the October 10, 15, 17, & 25, 2007 meetings be approved. Chuck Story seconded. Voice vote was taken and approved.

• Market Factor Pay
* The committee reviewed a newspaper article explaining how the Council Bluffs School District intends to use Market Factor Pay.
* The amount of Market Factor Pay including last year’s amount that was not used is approximately $34,000.
* After considerable discussion, the consensus of the committee was that 20% of the Market Factor Pay would be used in the form of hiring bonuses and the remaining 80% would be used to provide incentives for teachers within the system to acquire endorsements in areas determined by the administration. Additionally, related to the “endorsement” pathway, it was suggested that there would be an application process and that an amount of $150 per credit hour would be provided to those teachers who would be selected to seek additional endorsements, and also a retention provision. Kent Stopak, Sean Dunphy, Tom McLaughlin, and Jeannie Bartholow volunteered to serve on an ad-hoc committee that would come back to the committee with an application form and other pertinent details for the committee to review at our December 6th meeting.

• A question was raised regarding the two (2) additional professional development days that will occur on February 14 & 15. The understanding of this committee was that these two days are outside the contract. In other words, one could not use any leave provision and be excused from these days and be paid. Bottom line, if one is not in attendance, one will not be paid. As a further clarification, attendance is not optional.

• Our next meeting date is December 6, 2007 at 4:30. Agenda items will include (1) finalizing a recommendation on the use of Market Factor Pay and (2) reviewing the teacher performance instrument along with the model evidence that would be required. A suggestion was made that committee members bring a laptop to the meeting.
• Meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.