Despite significant pressure from NEA members and our partners, the House fell two votes short, 277-141, in its recent attempt to override President Bush’s veto of the education funding bill. This means that 45 federal programs could be wiped out and others -- including Title I, special education, Head Start, after-school programs, and Pell Grants -- could be crippled. Iowa Reps. Steve King and Tom Latham voted against the override while Reps. Leonard Boswell, Bruce Braley, and Dave Loebsack voted in favor of the override.
Now Congress returns to work this week and will begin drafting a comprehensive "omnibus" bill that will include increased funding for a number of important priorities, including education, although most likely less than what was in the bill that President Bush vetoed. But passage will once again face an uphill battle, with strong opposition coming from those who support the President's demands for program cuts. There are only a few weeks left in this congressional session so time is of the essence. ISEA members should tell their members of Congress to provide the resources students need to succeed. Click here to send a message. Click here to send a message.
Now Congress returns to work this week and will begin drafting a comprehensive "omnibus" bill that will include increased funding for a number of important priorities, including education, although most likely less than what was in the bill that President Bush vetoed. But passage will once again face an uphill battle, with strong opposition coming from those who support the President's demands for program cuts. There are only a few weeks left in this congressional session so time is of the essence. ISEA members should tell their members of Congress to provide the resources students need to succeed. Click here to send a message. Click here to send a message.