April 23, 2010
NEA member Michelle from Kansas shares her story:
I love teaching. The constant challenges of public education create the most rewarding experiences in this ever-changing career.
Last spring, I resigned from a safe, stable district where I was a tenured teacher. This year, I teach in an urban high school where roughly 80% of our students are low-SES, about 35% are special education students, and the ever-widening achievement gaps threaten the very existence of our school.
This is it for our secondary students; they have to have a solid education in order to change their future. Every single day utilizes every ounce of my knowledge, experience, training, and creativity. Every single day is worth it. Education has always been the great equalizer, removing limitations and allowing room for life's treasured possibilities.
Recently, our state legislature moved back the school notification of RIFs/nonrenewals from May 1 to May 24. Students will be out of school before I know whether or not I will be back next year. Five years ago, I was the district's nominee for secondary Kansas Teacher of the Year in a different district. Next year, I may not be anyone's teacher in any district.
And I absolutely still love teaching.
Cyberlobbyists - The situation is urgent. Hundreds of thousands of educators across the country have already received "pink slips" and more are to come. Talented educators like Michelle, who have dedicated their lives to the profession and are passionate about educating our nation's children, are losing their jobs. Not one fewer student is coming through our public school doors because of the economic crisis. Children get only one shot at an education and isn't their fault they are in school during this time of economic crisis. Layoffs, ballooning class sizes, and dramatic program cuts are irrevocably hurting our profession, shortchanging our students, and jeopardizing our ability to compete in the global economy.
THERE IS A SOLUTION! Senator Tom Harkin's (D-IA) Keep Our Educators Working Act (S.3206) would provide $23 billion to help stave off educator layoffs. A similar proposal, the "Jobs for Main Street Act," already passed the U. S. House of Representatives in December 2009. But, to save jobs, the Senate needs to pass this bill NOW!
TAKE ACTION: The e-mail you send could help save your job or the job of a colleague!
Urge your Senator to cosponsor the Keep Our Educators Working Act and to push for its immediate passage.
Urge the President to support immediate action to save and create hundreds of thousands of education jobs.
Urge your Representative to cosponsor the Local Jobs for America Act, which Representative Miller (D-CA) has introduced in the House. Although the House has already acted, the Miller bill sends a strong message about the need to get an education job package done and enacted into law.
Share your story. Is your job in jeopardy? Have you already received a "pink slip?" The key to getting education jobs funding approved by Congress is demonstrating to Senators the huge impact not passing an education jobs funding bill would have on public schools and the economy as a whole. The more stories we can present to lawmakers from a cross-section of the country, the more successful we will be.
Visit our new Education Votes site to share your story and read about other actions you can take to make sure your voice is heard on the issues that matter the most.
Additional Information:
Read the testimony of Iowa State Education Association President Chris Bern on "Education Funding and the Education Jobs Crisis," presented to the Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Labor-HHS-Education, on April 14, 2010. U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, also testified at this hearing and
added his support for an education jobs bill.
Check out NEA's
education jobs advocacy packet, including estimates of layoffs and program cuts by state, stories from real educators who have lost or fear losing their jobs, and news clips and videos from around the country on the education jobs crisis.
See how many education jobs the House-passed bill will save/create in your state.
See how much more money your state would get under the jobs bill than it would have a chance to "win" under the competition for "Race to the Top" Funds.
See how much funding your state will lose once monies under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act expire, unless Congress provides more funding in a jobs/economic recovery bill.
Reauthorization of ESEA has kicked into high gear. NEA is urging Congress to work with educators to craft a reauthorization package that:
Promotes innovation and 21st century skills in public schools, using research-based approaches and strong collaboration among stakeholders;
Provides students with a rich, challenging curriculum that allows multiple ways to show what they have learned;
Elevates the profession to attract great educators and leaders for every public school;
Facilitates greater parental and community involvement and engagement in all schools; and
Champions adequate, equitable, and sustainable resources/opportunities for all public schools.
Tell Congress what students really need to succeed.
Additional Information:
Read NEA's letter and supporting materials submitted to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee for the April 22nd hearing on "Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child." Materials address issues such as student health, safety, and well-being; teaching and learning conditions; parental and community engagement; equity in resources and opportunities; and class size reduction.
Read NEA's letter and supporting materials submitted to the Senate HELP Committee for the April 19th field hearing on "Innovation in Public Schools." Materials include NEA papers on elevating the profession and ensuring every child a quality teacher and links to articles and stories on innovative programs to ensure great educators.
Read NEA's letter and supporting materials submitted to the Senate HELP Committee for the April 15th hearing on "Teachers and Leaders." Materials include NEA papers on elevating the profession and ensuring every child a quality teacher and links to articles and stories on innovative programs to ensure great educators.
Read NEA's letter and supporting materials submitted to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee for the April 14th hearing on "School Turnaround." Materials include examples of successful collaborative transformation models and links to videos highlighting successful transformation programs.