Thursday, September 10, 2009

LCEA Executive Board Meeting Minutes 09/10/2009

LCEA September Meeting Minutes
Date: 09/10/2009
Place: High School—Room 403
Time: 4:15

Roll Call: Barb Motes, Kim McLaughlin, Jennifer Doorlag, Dave Bergman, Tom McLaughlin HS Reps: Allison Towne (absent), Brian Johnson (absent), Ruth Kreger (absent), Sharon Crawley (absent)
MS Reps: Margot Argotsinger, Beth Frank, Al Lorenz, Dot Sillau
TH Reps: Lisa Scieszinski, Joanna Stenlund, Kathy Dorsey (absent), Farah Guetter (absent)
Kreft Reps: LoriAnn Brougham (absent), Lee Dwyer (absent), Angie Tucker (absent)

Approval of Agenda (Barb Motes)
• One addition to the agenda was made by Beth Frank.

Secretary’s Report (Kim McLaughlin)
• No corrections were made to the May minutes.

Treasurer’s Report (Jen Doorlag)
• We have still not been billed for the substitutes used for the Delegate Assembly on April 2-3, 2009.
• Doorlag will add a new line on the treasurer’s report that will account for the new teacher incentive money for which we are reimbursed by ISEA.

Building Reports
• Kreft: No report.
• Titan Hill: So far, so good.  Class sizes are very large, though.
• Middle school: Kids have been told that they will not move on if they fail their classes. They’re getting immediate feedback for disciplinary issues.
• High school: We have had a good start to the year.

President’s Report (Barb Motes)
• Budget: Motes shared a proposed budget that we looked over.
• Public relation funds per building: Motes suggested that giving the same amount of money to each building may not be fair since some buildings have many more teachers. She wants the executive board to think about that issue.

Committee Reports
• Membership: K. McLaughlin shared an updated list of members. The official number is 162 as of this date.
• Yearly activities:
• TQC and Phase II: The total of the TQC is $1,029,371.12. Phase II is $208,966.88. The grand total is $1,238,338.00. Final distribution numbers for individual teachers has not been figured out yet. Frank should be receiving information from the ERC soon.
• Hospitality: Please email Beth Frank with information about deaths, births, etc.
• Negotiations: There is training in October (10/17/09) and November. A survey will be coming in a month or so.

Old Business
• T-shirts: The Booster Club is working on their website, so Motes is trying to contact them with the order.

New Business
• Livingston was elected to the Board of Directors. He has ties to education, and he should be good to work with.
• Motes will contact Doreen Scheffel about a possible dinner with Board members.

• The meeting adjourned at 5:14.